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    What She Said.

Insights on Working From Home

March 23, 2020
Author: Desiree Metzger

One of our team member has reviewed her first week of WFH, amazing insights from Desiree Metzger.

Working from home has made me realize that a home office is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Apart from eating all the snacks the first few days, emotional eater over here, I am working at the dinner table. This is away from the television and closer to the modem.

My first few video calls proved, working from downstairs isn’t going to be possible. It is probably for the best, the man cave equipped with it’s 75” TV would not have been the most productive space.

The first few days last week, proved productive I got quick replies to emails. As we got closer to the end of the week, those responses started to dry up. Tough to take and created some anxious feelings

At Connections we have a variety of programs that will help clients navigate these uncertain times. E-commerce brands will see an increase in sales as brick and mortars experience a decrease. We can help brands ‘piggyback’ those E-Commerce sales with an implied endorsement to the new potential customers.