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    What She Said.

Profit with a Purpose - PTSD Foundation of America

May 09, 2016
Author: Kelly Elarbee
This is the image of an antique helmet turned upside down. It is almost unrecognizable for what it is unless you have seen it yourself. We use it in our post today as representative of what many of our veteran’s feel when returning home to try to resume “normal life”. 

We were recently pleased to be challenged to recognize the PTSD foundation of America and Camp Hope by one of our favorite client’s The Go Solution of Houston, TX. Their efforts to support Camp Hope through a shrimp and craw-fish boil were forwarded to us, and we were so impressed we decided to join in. Special thanks to Rob Calbert for helping us coordinate our own effort at Elarbee Media. Our staff donated, and we matched their contribution. It may not have been much, but it was certainly heart-felt. 

We are lucky to have another Texas based clientExpressionery.com, who challenged us at the same time to write 30 personal letters in the 30 days of April. Special thanks to Brandie Jewel for pushing us to do so. We have been richly rewarded. 

Enclosed with our donation, we wrote a note about what a veteran’s service means to us and as a company with many military connections that can not be under-rated. We were thrilled to get a personal note back. 

While we don’t pretend to have changed the world, we do hope that more companies we work with challenge us to be better people alongside being better business people. These two Texas based companies are great examples of how that can be done on a small or large scale. We thank you for it. 

To all of the veteran’s that have served, and all of those who are still serving this great nation, we thank you for your service. We know what we owe you, and wish you all the best. PTSDUSA.ORG

#expressionery #thegosolution#PTSDFOUNDATION #Camphope #proudamerican
Show less — with Rob CalbertBrandie Uecker Stephan JewellExpressionery and The Go Solution.