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    National Newspapers

Newspapers have long been a cornerstone in American media, and while local papers cover district-specific topics, National Newspapers continue to deliver the goods on a larger level. Starting in the late 19th century, National Newspapers became the most reliable source for widespread news. The Washington Post was first to the start in 1877, and was quickly followed by Financial News and The New York Times. In more recent years, USA Today joined the scene, and together these publications are delivering sweeping news across the country daily.  National Newspapers retain a large number of subscribers and provide a scalable advertising opportunity, rather than a simple localized footprint. Whether you are looking for on-page, inserts, or another creative advertising solution, National Newspapers can help you reach your target audience.

Publication Count: 19
Volume: 4,801,327
Selling Points

- Consumed within the Home 

- Prestigious brands with implied endorsement