Data Card: Air Force Magazine

Air Force Magazine, published 10 times yearly, has served as the professional journal of the Air Force Association for nearly 70 years, standing at the top of the worlds publications in the fields of airpower, space power, aerospace technology, national security, and the history of USAF operations and its heroes. It is a one-of-a-kind resourcea visually striking, in-depth, professionally produced news magazine. Air Force Magazine is the authoritative source of news and information about the US Air Force.

Additionally, every US Senator and US Representative receives a copy of Air Force Magazine each month. So do key staffers on Armed Services, Appropriations, and Budget committees. The Air Force Associations government relations team uses Air Force Magazine as a regular part of its information program on Capitol Hill.

Magazines - Membership
10 per year

OnPage Full Page Specs: 8.13" X 10.88"
OnPage Half Page Specs: 7.00" X 4.56"
OnPage Third Page Specs: 4.56" X 4.56"

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