Charleston Post and Courier

Data Card: Charleston Post and Courier
The Post and Courier, the South's oldest daily newspaper, traces its roots to The Courier, founded in 1803, and The Evening Post, founded in 1894. In 1926, the two newspapers were drawn closer together when The Courier, which had then become The News and Courier, was purchased by The Evening Post Industries Company. Both newspapers maintained separate news staffs until the 1980s, when those staffs were combined. In 1991, when it became apparent that reading habits were better served by a single edition of the newspaper - a morning edition - the two papers were merged to become The Post and Courier. The newspaper is now published by The Post and Courier, Inc.
The Post and Courier has a daily circulation of 61,200 and a Sunday circulation of 73,700.
The Post and Courier has a daily circulation of 61,200 and a Sunday circulation of 73,700.
SC * Charleston
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SC * Charleston
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