Crowley Post Signal

Data Card: Crowley Post Signal
Established on March 6, 1885, the Crowley newspaper has been in daily publication for the past 125 years and is one of Crowley's oldest business. In 1974 the Crowley Daily Signal merged with the Crowley Post Herald to become the Crowley Post-Signal.The Crowley Post-Signal is located in the parish seat of Acadia, serves an audience that comprises all of Acadia Parish and parts of Vermillion, St. Landry, Lafayette and Jefferson Davis parishes. Crowley is also home of Crystal Rice Heritage Farm, Blue Rose Museum, Miller Stadium, the Rice Theater, the Ford Building and the Grand Opera House of the South. Crowley is host city to the world-renowed International Rice Festival, now in it's 74th year as Louisiana's oldest agricultural festival.
LA * Lafayette
LA * Lafayette
OnPage Full Page Specs: 10.13" X 9.70"OnPage Half Page Specs: 10.13" X 4.80"
OnPage Qtr Page Specs: 4.97" X 4.80"
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