Data Card: Destination Maternity Receipt Program

Point-Of-Sale printed offer on bottom of Destination Maternity, A Pea in the Pod, and Motherhood Maternity store locations.

This shopper is highly educated and affluent, married with the average age of 25 to 34.
- 29% have incomes between  $50-$75k 
- 18% between $75-$100k,
- 11% between $100-$125k,
- 20% over $125k; 

Advertisers are able to target by;
Media Market and/or Individual Store Location: 600+ store locations in  50 States under 3 retail nameplates: Motherhood Maternity, A Pea in the Pod  and Destination Maternity
Shopper Basket Size: 0-$8, $9-$15, $16-$24, $25+
Tender Type: Cash, Credit/Debit, Gift Card 

12 per year

For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or