Eastern DairyBusiness

Data Card: Eastern DairyBusiness
The new DairyBusiness & HolsteinWorld has coverage of the most important news items affecting the daily and future activities in the dairy industry. This new design, in which the cover and interior will be more attractive, contemporary, easier to read, will be dedicated to delivering new information on how commercial dairy operators, breeders, and support companies in the dairy industry can become more profitable, more valuable, and more self-directing in the future.
12 per year
12 per year
OnPage Full Page Specs: 8.13" X 10.88"OnPage Half Page Specs: 7.13" X 4.81"
OnPage Qtr Page Specs: 3.50" X 4.81"
For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or atlanta@thespecialistworks.com.