Data Card: FMG Guns SIPs

American Hanndgunner Spring Special, Guns Surplus/Vintage, American Handgunner Special,Guns MSR Combat,Amer. Handgunner Personal Difinse/Survive,Guns Special, American Handguner Tactical,Guns Combat Special.
American Handgunner and GUNS Magazine Special Editions reach a diverse audience of firearms enthusiasts ranging from beginning to advanced shooters and hunters. This predominantly male-audience purchases Special Editions from newsstands and through special mail order offers year-round. The wealth of new features and specialized information included in each issue make them highly prized additions to firearms libraries of active sportsmen world-wide

8 per year

OnPage Full Page Specs: 7.00" X 10.00"
OnPage Half Page Specs: 7.00" X 5.00"
OnPage Third Page Specs: 4.63" X 5.00"
OnPage Qtr Page Specs: 4.63" X 3.75"

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