Data Card: Gannett Newspaper Billing Statement

U.S. Gannett Newspapers reach more than 10 million readers every weekday and more than 12 million readers every Sunday.   Gannett provides critical news and information from neighborhoods, the nation and the globe. 

The Gannett Newspaper Billing Statement Geographic Targeted Letter Space program allows mailers to have their advertisement included with the statement invoices Gannett mails to their subscribers across 30 US states. Subscribers receiving these statements have requested paper statements and must open them to obtain and pay their invoice ensuring continued delivery of their newspaper. 

This program offers advertisers the opportunity to insert geographically, by targeting down to the zip code level. This is a turnkey opportunity, advertisers just need to provide Gannett with artwork. Gannett will print and distribute your ad including it as a 2nd letter behind the billing invoice within the envelope.

Newspaper Subscription Statements
12 per year

Insert Minimum Specs: 3.25" X 5.50"
Insert Maximum Specs: 3.75" X 8.75"
Insert Max Weight: 0.25oz

For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or