Haute Residence

Data Card: Haute Residence
The definitive millionaires guide to the most enviable havens around the world, Haute Residence serves as a tangible directory spotlighting the eponymous clubs elite members, providing a detailed profile of each individual that readily displays their latest property listings and career achievements. Haute Residence partners are at the very top of their field, collectively representing a total of more than $18 billion worth of high-end property.
Tailored to cater exclusively to Haute Livings affluent audience, the magazine is chock-full of exclusive interviews with prominent professionals, in-depth features spotlighting luxury developments, celebrity real estate news stories, and roundups highlighting up-to-date architectural and design trends.
2 per year
Regional, National
For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or atlanta@thespecialistworks.com.