Hawaiian Airlines Hana Hou!

Data Card: Hawaiian Airlines Hana Hou!
Hana Hou is Hawaiian Airlines in-flight magazine that is published bi-monthly and offers an informative introduction to the culture and beauty of Hawaii. Hana Hou System-wide edition occupies the seat pockets of over 200 U.S. Mainland and International flights a week to Hawaii and 160+ daily flights to the Neighbor Islands. It effectively reaches both the visitor and resident markets and is the largest consumer lifestyle magazine in Hawaii.
Airline Magazines
6 per year
6 per year
OnPage Full Page Specs: 8.00" X 10.62"OnPage Half Page Specs: 4.75" X 7.40"
OnPage Third Page Specs: 4.75" X 4.88"
For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or atlanta@thespecialistworks.com.