Kerby News

Data Card: Kerby News
The Kerby News is mailed to Kerby Centre members and doctor offices. It is distributed at over 1,000 free stands and drop off points in southern Alberta. Some of the stands are located at Calgary Coop, Safeway, Sobeys Stores, and 33 Light Rail Transport platforms. The readership with multiple readers at doctors offices, drop off points like legions, public libraries, seniors clubs, apartments, seniors housing complexes, LRT trains, and with couples is estimated at 60,000+. The majority of stands are in Calgary and surrounding area. The Kerby Centre is a not-for-profit organization, committed to enhancing the lives of older adults.
12 per year
CA * Alberta
Zip Code
12 per year
CA * Alberta
Zip Code
OnPage Full Page Specs: 260mm X 387mmOnPage Half Page Specs: 197mm X 260mm
OnPage Third Page Specs: 260mm X 127mm
OnPage Qtr Page Specs: 203mm X 127mm
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