M and M Direct Digital

Data Card: M and M Direct Digital
MandM Direct are to their burgeoning community of 1.75 million brand-loving shoppers one of the biggest and best kept online secrets. They are a mighty marketplace of top fashion brands including Firetrap, Bench, Superdry, Voi, French Connection, Diesel and so on. But theres one crucial difference up to 75% discount off the RRP.
If youre looking for response at scale, MandM Direct gives you instant access to 1.75m online shoppers one of the largest eCommerce audiences in the UK. You can reach these shoppers inside the sales funnel using the solus on page 728 x 90 placement below the footer or at the check-out with the 728x90 which sees click thru rates over 2.5%!MandM Direct shoppers visit the site purely for the deeply discounted brands. They are a brand-sensitive community who spend online frequently - so it pays for brands to invest in awareness here. And dont forget, theres potential to run integrated campaigns across the site involving various creative formats, sponsorship options, bespoke placements, skins and more.
If youre looking for response at scale, MandM Direct gives you instant access to 1.75m online shoppers one of the largest eCommerce audiences in the UK. You can reach these shoppers inside the sales funnel using the solus on page 728 x 90 placement below the footer or at the check-out with the 728x90 which sees click thru rates over 2.5%!MandM Direct shoppers visit the site purely for the deeply discounted brands. They are a brand-sensitive community who spend online frequently - so it pays for brands to invest in awareness here. And dont forget, theres potential to run integrated campaigns across the site involving various creative formats, sponsorship options, bespoke placements, skins and more.
UK * Unassigned
C1 C2
UK * Unassigned
C1 C2
For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or atlanta@thespecialistworks.com.