Marine Corps Gazette

Data Card: Marine Corps Gazette
The Marine Corps Gazette has been the professional
journal for U. S. Marines since 1916. It is primarily written
by and for Marines covering all aspects of Marine
Corps activity with the mission to provide a forum for
the exchange of ideas that will advance knowledge,
interest and esprit in the Marine Corps. Every edition
now has a Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) focus.
There is something in every issue of the Gazette for the
readers no matter what element of the MAGTF they
are in, whether they are active, Reserve, retired, or a
former member of the Corps.
Circulation is directed to officers and senior non-commissioned officers of the United States Marine Corps; government officials, foreign and domestic; former Marines, families of Marines, and persons interested in the Marine Corps.
Circulation is directed to officers and senior non-commissioned officers of the United States Marine Corps; government officials, foreign and domestic; former Marines, families of Marines, and persons interested in the Marine Corps.
Trade Publications
12 per year
12 per year
OnPage Full Page Specs: 7.25" X 10.00"OnPage Half Page Specs: 7.25" X 4.88"
OnPage Third Page Specs: 2.25" X 10.00"
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