Data Card: MSpark

MSpark is a shared mail program that distributes predominately in the Southeast and Midwest to households in C & D counties every month. They offer both print and digital options so every advertiser's ROI is optimized. It has more than 500 individual markets with 98% penetration to market, ZIP, sub-ZIP, or carrier route. They offer more than 3,000 analytic variables available to identify your best customers.

Shared Mail
12 per year
NA * Southeast Region
Zip Code, Market

OnPage Full Page Specs: 7.50" X 9.88"
OnPage Half Page Specs: 7.00" X 4.50"
Front Cover Specs: 7.50" X 9.88"
Back Cover Specs: 7.50" X 9.88"
Insert Minimum Specs: 3.50" X 5.00"
Insert Maximum Specs: 8.50" X 11.50"

For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or