Oracle 20/20

Data Card: Oracle 20/20
Oracle 20/20 Magazine is a metaphysical publication that is just a little ahead of its time. In the magazine, readers find diverse articles featuring palmistry, hypnotherapy and astrology alongside articles about health, environmental issues, spirituality, self actualization and human potential articles and even exposés about genetically modified foods and other threats to health and; environment exposing political machines that prefer to look the other way.
Oracle 20/20 Magazine is distributed free all around Metro Atlanta and the suburbs of Atlanta. It is also distributed in Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland and California.
Magazines - Regional
12 per year
GA * Atlanta
12 per year
GA * Atlanta
OnPage Full Page Specs: 7.50" X 9.38"For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or