Data Card: Party City Receipt Program

Point-Of-Sale printed offer on bottom of Party City Receipt

Advertisers are able to target by;

Media Market and/or Individual Store Location:  800+ store locations in 39 States and Puerto Rico

-female 25-54 (Avg. age c. 41),
-median HHI $70,000
-lives within a 10-minute drive of Party City stores and holds about 11 events per year, majority are married with children at home. 

Market Basket: By department (Select triggers from 60 key departments)

Shopper Basket Size:  0-$8, $9-$15, $16-$24, $25+ (targeting top shoppers)

Tender Type: Cash, Credit/Debit, 

 Message Versioning:  Multiple versions can be delivered based on the targeting and segmenting triggers

12 per year

For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or