Sweepstakes Advisor Newsletter Insert Program

Data Card: Sweepstakes Advisor Newsletter Insert Program
The Sweepstakes Advisor paid subscriber is passionate about sweepstakes/contests and the chance to win cash, trips and merchandise. Each issue lists national sweepstakes and contests, tips on how to improve the odds of winning plus testimonials from winners of cash and merchandise. Inserts can ride in the bi-monthly newsletter and will be nested in a separate "bonus offer' envelope.
Insert will be enclosed in a seperate envelope which will ride inside the Sweepstakes Advisor Newsletter 6 x 9 carrier envelope.
Insert will be enclosed in a seperate envelope which will ride inside the Sweepstakes Advisor Newsletter 6 x 9 carrier envelope.
Package Inserts
8 per year
8 per year
Insert Maximum Specs: 5.25" X 8.00"Insert Max Weight: 0.25oz
For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or atlanta@thespecialistworks.com.