Data Card: Zoysia Farm Nurseries PIP

Your inserts can be included in packages sent to owners of homes who have purchased Zoysia Grass products. Theses homeowners are do it yourselfers who purchase Zoysia grass because of it's hardiness and it grows well in a wide range of conditions. 
Zoysia requires far less watering and mowing than most grasses, reduces water bills, thrives in a variety of climates, works well on slopes, in play areas and bare spots. It is pest resistant and safe for children and pets.

Package Inserts
7 per year

Insert Minimum Specs: 2.00" X 2.50"
Insert Maximum Specs: 5.50" X 8.50"
Insert Max Weight: 0.25oz

For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or