• old sofa
    Expected Moms/ Young Family

New Brands are being added to the Connections marketplace all the time.


By bringing together different brands with similar target audiences to create a network of programs Connections by TSW are able to offer immediate scale for any campaign.

Connections by TSW would be happy to put together a tailer made set of programs and partnerships for your D2C brand. Some of the sectors that we are currently seeing huge success in are:

  • Moms
  • Health and Fitness Enthusiasts
  • Home Owners
  • Regular Travelers

And many more!

The team at Connections by TSW have over 20 years of direct marketing experience and are trusted by some of the biggest ecommerce brands in North America and UK.

If you are interested in either monetising your ecoomerce inventory or partnering with other complementary brands please do get in touch. We would love to talk.

Favorability rating towards advertising channels

Blog Image for New Brands are being added to the Connections marketplace all the time.

This one is for you, Mom! 

Connections by The Specialist Works (US & Canada) is proud to have partnered with Carters Inc. to celebrate 100 deserving moms in June.

Along with the BIGGER THAN BIG virtual baby shower hosted by incredible special guests, Connections by The Specialist Works (US & Canada) & The Specialist Works teams both helped our amazing clients join the event to donate awesome gifts in support of these moms and their new little ones. Because moms deserve ALL the love.

#tsw #brandpartnerships #morepossibilities #connectionsbytsw #connecting #connectingbrands #moms  
Blog Image for This one is for you, Mom!