• old sofa

Home Depot Textile Expansion Brings Death to The Company Store PIP


With The Home Depot acquisition of The Company Store, December 19, 2017, they've decided to pull the package insert program from the market. TSW recommends Plow & Hearth Package insert Program as a great alternative. 

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At TSWUS, we are firm believers that in embracing new experiences from other cultures, we become more well-rounded as people. One of our 2018 corporate initiatives is diversity. Part of building diversity is building for it. That means understanding other cultures.

While our offices are already diverse here in the US, we are always ready to join in the challenge of having a little fun while learning about other cultures’ traditions. Today, we jumped in with both feet. Both feet, a broom and a dustpan.

While a Mexican tradition, Cascarones in the US, are common around Easter as there has been a merging of Mexican and US holiday celebrations. Having one of these confetti eggs broken over your head is said to bring good luck. It is also confirmed to be quite fun and very messy.

Fun, Educational, Messy, Addictive. Perfect!

Tags: Seasonal
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Celebrate Spring - Today is the Equinox

Today, March 20th is the first day of Spring. The Vernal Equinox occurred this morning, and marks the transition of seasons. It also marks time for a quarterly review of goals. Spring is time for growth, and renewal. What is an equinox? according to Dictionary.com it is: (noun) the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth.
Tags: Seasonal
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It is Spring and Time to Grow

Today, March 20th is the first day of Spring. The Vernal Equinox occurred at 12:30 am, and marks the transition of seasons. It also marks time for a quarterly review of goals. Spring is time for growth, and renewal. Elarbee Media looks forward to both in our business.We wish you the best Spring possible!
Tags: Seasonal
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Set Your Clock Forward One Hour - It is Daylight Savings Time

Remember to set your clocks forward one hour this weekend. That means Cocktail Friday comes earlier next week!
Tags: Seasonal
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Celebrate Leap Year - February 29th


It is February 29th. Celebrate the Leap Year! You know we will at Elarbee Media!

Tags: Seasonal
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Happy Oktoberfest!


It’s the final day of Oktoberfest, a special time of year for Elarbee Media. We are sad to have to put away our Oktoberfest steins and our dirndls for another year. To our German clients colleagues and friends, we want to leave you with one final Prost! before we close it out.

Tags: Seasonal
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Celebrate Summer! Today is the Solstice


Celebrate the Summer today June 21st is the Solstice. This year’s solstice, considered the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, is at 12:38 p.m. on June 21.

Tags: Seasonal
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