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May 21st is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development


Today, May 21st is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. 2018 is also the year at TSW when we focus on diversity. In keeping with our historic theme of having fun while getting meaningful exposure to other cultures, we are hosting a “Pot-Luck” lunch. Each employee is bringing in a dish that reflects their heritage and will be sharing a unique or insightful point on how their background and culture impacts how they see the world. It should be fascinating, and yummy. We can’t wait!

Tags: US
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Cocktail Friday - the Impact of Patriotic Branding

It is Cocktail Friday at TSWUS, and we are headed into a long weekend celebrating the birth of the United States of America. What better post could we make, than one highlighting the "artfully" redesigned "Patriotic" packaging that seems ubiquitous on these American holidays. What impact does re-packaging have on sales during patriotic holidays? Can the re-packaging stand alone, or does it need to be combined with advertising support to maximize product sales? Do patriotic holidays impact sales more significantly than family holidays like Halloween or Christmas? Why am I compelled to buy the Red, White and Blue six-pack? 

These are all key questions to ponder when walking down the beer aisle this weekend. Just in case you are curious, we are attaching some research from Kidd.com on the Purchasing Power of Brand Patriotism. http://www.kidd.com/branding/purchasing-power-patriotism-businesses-shift-american-branding-summer/
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Newspaper Readership: Print or Digital?


This article is a great read which highlights that print is still the core way to digest news. With huge levels of discussion about the newspaper industry falling by the wayside, it is great to read an article that clearly outlines the importance of newspapers to the news industry. 

In the US alone, 169 million people are engaging with the news and 81% of them engage with a printed product. 

In an era where we are told printed advertising is dead this clearly outlines that it just simply is not. To find out how you can advertise to this target market please get in touch with Christian at christianprosser@thespecialistworks.com, you can also follow this link to our website and view the plethora of US newspapers with whom we currently work. 



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Memorial Day

Normandy. May 2017. Our offices are closed today to allow our staff to honor Memorial Day.
Tags: HolidayUS
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