• lock on red storage box
    Lost in Translation
    Converting American to English

Based on our recent activity with advertisers coming over from the UK, we have recognized the need for a “Translation Document”. While our print advertising concepts are largely parallel, there are indeed moments when people who work in the same industry, use a very different description to mean the same thing. We have had some humorous moments trying to apply words and phrases from both sides of the pond, and as always we like to poke fun at ourselves in an attempt to stay grounded.

In an effort to improve clarity going forward, we are launching this translation page, which should help UK companies navigating the US market for the first time. It also helps us understand the need for translation in our efforts to educate and sell to non-US clients. We would love feedback on areas that clients do find confusing so that we can attempt to address these issues comprehensively.


US Description


UK Description

Bind In
Bound In
Catalog Blow In
Catalogue Mailing
Circulation (circ)
The number of pieces projected to be delivered or received by the people. 
Print Run
The number of pieces printed by the printer. Used mainly for inserts. 
Consumer package goods. These are goods consumed every day by the average consumer.
Fast moving consumer good.
Cost per thousand. Typically, the United States uses the lower case m to signify thousand and two (mm) to signify million. 
Cost per thousand. The rate that gives the total cost of an order once multiplied by the circulation and divided by one thousand. 
A design, idea, or anything that can be customized for a particular party or client. 
Anything commissioned to a particular specification. It may be altered or tailored to the customs, tastes, or usage of an individual purchaser.

generally any statement intended to specify or delimit the scope of rights and obligations that may be exercised and enforced by parties in a legally recognized relationship. In contrast to other terms for legally operative language, the term disclaimer usually implies situations that involve some level of uncertainty, waiver, or risk.

t's & c's

terms and conditions

IHD (In Home Date)
The date the publication will start arriving in homes or being sold in stores. 
On-sale date
When the publication will be sold to the public. 
Key Code
The unique code used in an ad (or series of ads) to track use and success of an offer.
Media Code
The unique code used in an ad (or series of ads) to track use and success of an offer.
LB or #
American English Pounds which Americans use to describe paper density. Formula:1lb. of Text paper = 1.48 gsm. Multiply each pound of text paper by 1.48.1 lb. of Cover paper = 2.708 gsm. Multiply each pound of cover paper by 2.708.
Grams per square metre. Paper density which determines thickness, density and specific volume. 
The amount difference between cost and revenue. Often expressed as a percentage. 
Gross Profit (GP)
GP= Net sales - Cost of goods sold
Matrix Report
Report designed to show clients which publications or opportunities would best suit their business and budget. 
Shopping List
Report designed to show clients which publications or opportunities would best suit their business and budget. 
Newspaper Subscriptions
Newspaper Statement Mailing
Also referred to as Space advertising or Print advertising, On-Page simply delineates that the advertiser is running in a printed publication, not as a stand-alone insert, or bound in insert. Creative is supplied directly to the publication for inclusion, and there are no additional print costs,
Also referred to as Press, Off-the-Page is the UK reference for an advertiser running “in-book” or ROP (Run of Press). There is no additional print cost involved in placing ad space.
PIPs or Package Insert Programs are designed to carry advertiser messaging in outbound product shipments. Because these shipments contain goods purchased by the recipient they are welcome into the home, making them an ideal vehicle to carry a third party message. Recipients are proven mail-order or online buyers, which enhances response to similar offers. The ability to target by complimentary products and/or demographic profiles is an added benefit.
PDs or Parcel Deliveries are the UK version of the US PIP. Inserts are included in outbound product shipments delivered through the POST or other carriers. As in the US, these shipments contain goods purchased by the recipient making them an ideal vehicle to carry a third party message. Recipients are proven mail-order or online buyers, which enhances response to similar offers. The ability to target by complimentary products and/or demographic profiles is an added benefit.
Rack Sales
This is the space a vendor has been unable to sell and is offering clients at the last minute, often at a discount. Also known as standby or remainder advertising. 
Short Term
This is the space a vendor has been unable to sell and is offering clients at the last minute, often at a discount. Also known as standby or remainder advertising. 
Request for proposal
Request for quote
Customer Mailing
Shelter Pubs
Publications with a home theme. 
Home Interest Pubs
Publications with a home theme.