• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Burns on Being Scottish

Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Burns on Being Scottish

"Dare to be honest and fear no labor." Robert Burns.

July 27th is National Scotch Day in the United States. It is also Wit and Wisdom Wednesday at The Specialist Works US and in honor of our favorite spirit we are highlighting a quote from Robert Burns. We love this quote because it beautifully embodies the philosophy of our agency.

To succeed in advertising, we need to be honest with the client, ourselves, and about the product. Sales are not driven by campaigns that are unrealistic, disorganized, or facetious. They come from understanding the truth behind the clutter, gaining valuable marketing intelligence, and doing the necessary legwork to execute appropriately. Life is tough and delusional directions only lead us further astray. So whether you're having one neat or on the rocks, Slainte!

Blog Image for Art Tuesday - Still Life

Art Tuesday - Still Life

It is Art Tuesday at The Specialist Works US and today we would like to highlight a still life by my mother, Pat Donohue, produced when she was 12 while living in New York. The warm richness of the colors reminds us of Matisse, as the gradient smoothly moves from orange to auburn to red, connecting the scene effortlessly in a sphere of color.

Life can get cluttered sometimes, and at TSWUS we ended last week busy and started this week the same. But the important thing is to keep chipping away at the heap, to constantly count your blessings, and to stay focused. Whether it’s moving to the Big Apple or reinventing the apple pie, the future looks fruitful. We can’t wait to sink our teeth in! 

Blog Image for Mundane Mondays - Ben the Intern

Mundane Mondays - Ben the Intern

It is Monday at The Specialist Works US and today we would like to introduce our summer intern Ben! Which is me, actually. I am currently a student studying Psychology, Economics, and Marketing at McGill University in beautiful Montreal, Canada. McGill is the alma matter of our President, Kelly Elarbee, who returned to the freezing cold Canadian winter earlier this year to deliver a talk on how to gain a non-Starbucks job with an Arts degree. I found her advice on discovering a suitable career and blending various passions, as well as general commentary on the marketing industry, to be incredibly insightful. After several texts and one LinkedIn invitation, I ended up accepting a place in their internship program here in Atlanta.

Like many, my first exposure to the advertising industry was through Mad Men binge sessions and old Nike commercials. I have always seen the profession as a unique blend of art and science. By combining mountains of demographic and distribution data with strong messaging, TSW is able to maximize the marketing dollars of our clients. But the marriage between numbers and paint strokes isn’t just apparent in the business process, it’s evident in the way people here treat each other. One of the best aspects of my session so far has been the ability to learn from mistakes and grow with the support of the rest of the team. The culture at the office is one that calls for perfection, but also fully understands that perfect may change based on the path taken. The environment is fast-paced, can be stressful, but at the end of the day there is a sense of accomplishment. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, TSW US is looking for interns to carry on the torch once I leave. For the eager and willing, please send inquiries to Kelly, at kellyelarbee@thespecialistworks.com.

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday - Reintroducing, Lancers

Cocktail Friday - Reintroducing, Lancers

It is Cocktail Friday at The Specialist Works US and today we are brainstorming on bouncebacks. Lancers Rosé was incredibly trendy in the 1970s, in part due to its unique shape, which allowed drinkers to plant a candle inside and incorporate the empty bottles into their homes. The wine has since fallen out of favor, but it's gotten us thinking: how can we reposition the brand to revitalize sales in the digital age?

Millennial women are the fastest growing drinkers of wine, comprising 23% of the total US market. One way to reach this audience may be to readapt the bottle into consumers’ lifestyles. Candles have been replaced my smartphones and many digital natives crave authentic interaction with brands. To keep up with a younger market and reclaim its 15 minutes of fame, brands like Lancers will need rethink the role they play in American life.  

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday - Helena Rubinstein

Throwback Thursday - Helena Rubinstein

It is Throwback Thursday at The Specialist Works US and today are highlighting effeminate rebellion in the 60s. The somber yellow and light pink in this ad for Helena Rubinstein’s line of Wild Western lipsticks simulates a wanted poster, in which the wearer is notoriously immortalized. The woman smiles with a quiet confidence, as if she knows something that you don’t. She is wise and therefore dangerous.    

We love how classic and lively the product names are. Bright and straight to the point, they allow her to match a color to today’s mood, outfit, or event. Encouraging customers to build their own emotional associations with a product increases brand loyalty and incentivizes purchases of different offers. Tootin’ Honey may be as sweet as a peach, but Shootin’ Pink will leave you blushing. 

Blog Image for Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Riley on Problem Solving

Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Riley on Problem Solving

If my house is on fire, I don't need the fire chief telling me I should not have built the house out of wood. I need somebody to put the fire out. Bob Riley 

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at the Specialist Works US and today we touch on problem solving. As advertising professionals we are inherently tasked with solving problems, not just identifying them. It is much easier to tell a client why their business isnt working, rather than consulting with them to ensure that it does. This approach is an investment of time and energy, but as the three little pigs quickly learned, a house built of bricks is well worth the effort.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday - Silliness and Balance

Art Tuesday - Silliness and Balance


It is Art Tuesday at The Specialist Works US and today we are embracing fun. In a recent trip to New Orleans, we acquired this piece of art that exemplifies just that. Often in life, we over think the things that are unimportant, and fail to embrace the short snippets of fun that are intended to jostle us along in our day. This painting on board (Masonite if we can be candid) is a mix of thoughtfulness and of silliness. Just the right mix for a full day that allows a person to embrace the need to be focused, and the need to let go. Balance has a habit of creating productivity. At TSWUS as serious as we are about business, we intend that every day has an element of silliness, and that every day we each laugh and leave here with a smile of either satisfaction or of fondness. The name of this painting is Giggly Cigarette Girl. Can’t get any better than that – Can it?

Blog Image for Happy Birthday Parry Jones

Happy Birthday Parry Jones

The Specialist Works US wishes our very own Parry Jones a Happy Birthday!

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday - Good Old Fashioned Innovation

Cocktail Friday - Good Old Fashioned Innovation

It’s Cocktail Friday at The Specialist Works and today we’re reflecting on our roots. In the new and exciting age of data, traditional and old fashioned methods matter more than ever. Whether it’s knowing your customer, or finding the sweet spot between over and underexposure, precision is key in running an effective campaign. The best cocktail is when the sharp taste of the liquor dances smoothly with the sweetness of the syrup and the light flavor of the fruit. A marketing mix is most efficient when your placements complement each other, first attaining awareness, then interest, then intent. Interacting with customers across multiple touchpoints creates a halo effect and the brand as a whole is seen in a better light. Even the best cocktail is left untouched if the drinker is kept in the dark. Cheers!

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday - Cocktail Party

Throwback Thursday - Cocktail Party

We thought we would follow up our The Specialist Works US launch cocktail party with a vintage cocktail party themed ad. This ad for Seagram's VO is a great example of a classic advertising deployment, the use of snobbery to sell product. While elitism in real life is a turn off, it sees to be a consistent device in ad campaigns.  Is that because we are all secretly pressed to the glass looking in and wanting to be part of the hip crowd? 
If you joined us last night, consider yourself hip. The Specialist Works US is as the ad says" Known by the Company it Keeps" , and we are thrilled with who that encompasses. 
Cheers Friends!