• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday Nonsense and Beauty E.M. Forster

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday Nonsense and Beauty E.M. Forster

"Nonsense and beauty have close connections." - E.M. Forster

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media. This quote from E. M. Forster, one of our favorite authors, is so much fun. It can be interpreted in so many ways. 

Is nonsense the excess of beauty? That one step too far? Or, does embracing folly and frivolity allow you to see real beauty? 

When does pushing the envelope lead to a breakthrough, and when does it lead to degradation of the idea?

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Watercolor Butterflies for Spring

Art Tuesday Watercolor Butterflies for Spring

It is Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media, and we are fortunate to share a beautiful watercolor that was a gift to us from Evie Rankin-Rachide. (4 years old) Her beautiful green butterflies are a hopeful presence in our offices, and a perfect reminder that spring will soon be here.

Blog Image for Spotted Around Town Big Nauga

Spotted Around Town Big Nauga

Have you seen this fabric out and about? We are looking for your feedback on Nauagahyde! Send us you picture to have it featured in our "Spotted Around Town" segment,

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Lone Star Beer Bottle Caps

Cocktail Friday Lone Star Beer Bottle Caps

You know it is time to travel to see your Texas based clients when your supply of bottle caps runs out. That is right folks - It is Cocktail Friday at Elarbee Media, and we have one last Lone Star Beer brain teaser to share.Still no free beer delivered, but we still dare to dream.

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Alfa Romeo Ad for Montreal Expo

Throwback Thursday Alfa Romeo Ad for Montreal Expo

Its Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media. This event oriented ad combines all of our favorite ad elements. Simple, clean lines, black white and RED! You can tell what they are selling, and even if you don;t speak French, it is pretty easy to figure it out. "Check out the new Alfa Romeo at EXPO 67". 

Yep we like it! Alfa Romero. 1967 EXPO. Montreal..

Blog Image for Happy Holiday National Hug a G.I Day

Happy Holiday National Hug a G.I Day

National Hug A G.I. Day is celebrated each year on March 4th! 

Elarbee Media is excited to share the news, and once again wants to recognize ALL of those who serve and have served this great nation. 

G.I. is a noun used to describe the soldiers of the United States Army and airmen of the United States Army Air Forces — and occasionally for U.S. Marines and shore bound sailors. 

We firmly believe that if you accidentally hug someone from the wrong branch of service today,you will likely be forgiven.
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Happy Holiday it is Texas Independence Day

Happy Holiday it is Texas Independence Day

    Texas Independence Day is the celebration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836. This document officially founded the Republic of Texas. At Elarbee Media we are fortunate to have a number of Texas-based clients. Here to all of you, and have a great "Independence Day" celebration. Cheers Texas!
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Leonard Nemoy

Leonard Nemoy

A toast to you Leonard Nemoy, a man who became his own brand, a brand with tremendous equity.

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday the Return of Copper

Cocktail Friday the Return of Copper

It's Cocktail Friday at Elarbee Media! Today is all about vintage copper glasses. Hot or cold service? These copper sleeves are lined with cork, so you can serve a hot beverage like a "Toddy" or a cold one that won't sweat onto your wood furniture. So fun and functional. 

Copper is a hot trend in current brands as well, Check out the top on the bottle of Tito's, and the copper stripe in our "legit" moonshine. Just goes to show you that everything old is new again! Watch for Avocado Green and Harvest Gold coming your way soon!

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Naugahyde and Nauga

Throwback Thursday Naugahyde and Nauga

It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media, and nothing screams throwback like this vintage ad for Naugahyde! 

From a business perspective, this highlights the employment of both humor and storytelling in advertising. This is simple, clean, funny, and memorable. Having a "mascot" also makes it great for merchandising the brand. 

After all, who wouldn't want their own Nauga?