• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday: Gifts and Gimbap

Art Tuesday: Gifts and Gimbap


It is Art Tuesday at The Specialist Works US and today we are highlighting abstract art from a local artist. Some time ago, a Korean restaurant where I used to frequently eat closed down, and being a regular they decided to leave one of their paintings with me. It was created by the owner's daughter, and we love the way the that the broad pastel brushstrokes blend into each other, weaving over and under its neighbors to create a rich, deeply textured canvas. 

The restaurant sold food, and we sell advertising, but both of our businesses are enriched by the presence of this painting. Our team at TSWUS comes from a wide range of disciplines, with backgrounds in psychology, art, politics, tech, marketing, and hospitality. We have all tried our hands in different careers and businesses - some of which, like the restaurant, are now closed and a part of the past. But we are individuals who are adaptive and creative, so we adapted and created new chapters. Stay sunny and keep an eye on the big picture! As you can see here, it is actually massive (Chick-fil-A Pez dispenser shown for scale). 

Blog Image for Tombstones for Media - Union Jack

Tombstones for Media - Union Jack

Tombstones for Media is a feature we are always a bit sad to publish, but it helps us alert advertisers to changes in the market, and suggest replacement options.   Effective July of 2016, UK Ex-Pat newspaper The Union Jack ceased publishing. Although not strictly an Ex-Pat publication, British Heritage serves the anglophile audience. 
Tags: Tombstone

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday - International Beer Day

Cocktail Friday - International Beer Day

August 5th is International Beer Day. It is also Cocktail Friday at The Specialist Works and today we are toasting with a Stella. Craft brewing in the United States has been growing at a swift pace, enjoying a 12.8% increase in sales last year. The popularity of craft beer is even more apparent when we look at market share by dollar value, where every fifth dollar spent on brew is now craft. The microbrew market in the US is indicative of the values this country at its best. Never fearful of experimentation, always innovating, and forever optimistic. Flavors stack upon each other, constantly jostling and searching for that secret ingredient to find the right balance between hop and flop. So today, try a beer you've never had before. Live a little. And maybe you'll learn a lot. Cheers!

Blog Image for Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Jean-Paul Satre on Honesty

Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Jean-Paul Satre on Honesty

The worst part about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth. - Jean-Paul Satre. 

Telling the truth is a two way street. For the teller, there is a certain intangible moral capital that they gain. It allows them to meet reality head-on and be somewhat objective about the world. Being honest doesn't just provide a fuzzy feeling, but also tangibly helps you achieve your goals. Understanding where you stand allows you to better orient yourself towards where you want to go. 

For the person being told, the truth is an olive branch that allows us to connect with the teller. It shows that they treat us with respect and that they have enough confidence in us to share their world. This in turn results in stronger trust, increased interactions, and higher amounts of happiness from these interactions. 

Advertising is the same. As brands become more integrated into our daily lives, consumers are in turn expecting more from the way they are being marketed to. Millennials especially, seek genuine interactions with brands and dislike dishonesty. Be big enough to treat consumers like people, tell them the truth, and most importantly, listen to their response. 

Blog Image for Art Tuesday - Aubrey Beardsley

Art Tuesday - Aubrey Beardsley

It is Art Tuesday at The Specialist Works US and today we reminisce on legends. We are incredibly happy to have this Aubrey Beardsley sketch in our office. In this self-portrait Beardsley stands with his hands behind his back, confident and poised. A public and private eccentric, Beardsley never failed to shock or feared reprise. More than anything, his art was honest and insightful, which is really what matters - that expression lets you into the heart of the artist and alters the heart of the viewer. This is also the core of good creative, and perhaps a reason why the work that Beardsley did for playwrights and other brands was so memorable.

Blog Image for Spotlight Saturday  - Desiree Metzger

Spotlight Saturday - Desiree Metzger

One of the best moments in life is when you pass the torch. It is not great because you want to walk away, but because you see in someone else the ability to take on a task, and potentially do it even better. Holding on to ownership when someone else wants to step up is not only bad as a mentor, it means you never free up your time to explore something new.   This past week, we passed the torch for our Back to School charitable efforts for under-privileged children on to Desiree Metzger. We pulled her out of her comfort zone, and made her engage the rest of our staff to great success. Desiree not only embodies the selflessness that charitable efforts require, but keeps incredibly under the radar in pursuing her goal of helping others. People like her never boast about their efforts, which is why we need to shout it out. Cheers Desiree Metzger!    

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday - Southern Summers

Cocktail Friday - Southern Summers

It is Cocktail Friday at The Specialist Works US and today we would like to celebrate local success. Brian Hart Hoffman, chief creative officer at our media partner Hoffman Media, recently had his cocktail recipe book The Coupe featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. We were very glad to see our client, Expressionery, have their custom stamp design featured with the outbound press kit.

This collection of vintage cocktails, best enjoyed in a coupe, is charmingly creative. The creations bring us back to summer afternoons spent in our garden watching the sun set over the hills of Georgia. In honor of this memory, we would like to highlight a cocktail from the book conceived by Brian himself, the Alabama Summer. See the recipe below. Cheers! #thecoupelife

3 oz. fresh watermelon juice
1.5 oz Tito's Handmade Vodka
.5 - .75 oz Campari
.5 oz fresh lime ljuice
1 - 2 oz chilled sparkling water 

In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add watermelon juice, Campari, and lime juice. Shake to combine, and strain into a coupe glass. Top with sparkling water, and garnish if desired. 

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday - Dr. Pepper

Throwback Thursday - Dr. Pepper

It is Throwback Thursday at The Specialist Works US and today we are highlighting a classic American drink: Dr. Pepper. As a soda that has traditionally always thrived on its unique flavor, the Dr. Pepper bottle is displayed proudly for the world to see. The man attributes his wide array of accomplishments to the fizzy drink, and the copy urges the reader to try Dr. Pepper for themselves.

This ad very closely mirrors the marketing philosophy that we practice at TSW US. Through brand-response, our ads both push product and bolster brand image. The art reminds us of the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man in the World, and the copy is akin to a buddy nagging you on to do something exciting in a crowded cafeteria. The bold imagery, clever copy, and clean execution almost has us reconsidering our allegiance to Coke. Almost. 

Blog Image for Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Burns on Being Scottish

Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Burns on Being Scottish

"Dare to be honest and fear no labor." Robert Burns.

July 27th is National Scotch Day in the United States. It is also Wit and Wisdom Wednesday at The Specialist Works US and in honor of our favorite spirit we are highlighting a quote from Robert Burns. We love this quote because it beautifully embodies the philosophy of our agency.

To succeed in advertising, we need to be honest with the client, ourselves, and about the product. Sales are not driven by campaigns that are unrealistic, disorganized, or facetious. They come from understanding the truth behind the clutter, gaining valuable marketing intelligence, and doing the necessary legwork to execute appropriately. Life is tough and delusional directions only lead us further astray. So whether you're having one neat or on the rocks, Slainte!

Blog Image for Art Tuesday - Still Life

Art Tuesday - Still Life

It is Art Tuesday at The Specialist Works US and today we would like to highlight a still life by my mother, Pat Donohue, produced when she was 12 while living in New York. The warm richness of the colors reminds us of Matisse, as the gradient smoothly moves from orange to auburn to red, connecting the scene effortlessly in a sphere of color.

Life can get cluttered sometimes, and at TSWUS we ended last week busy and started this week the same. But the important thing is to keep chipping away at the heap, to constantly count your blessings, and to stay focused. Whether it’s moving to the Big Apple or reinventing the apple pie, the future looks fruitful. We can’t wait to sink our teeth in!