• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday - Hanes Goes Brainy

Throwback Thursday - Hanes Goes Brainy


It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media. We happened across this vintage Hanes ad that we just love. A woman who reads books, a woman who wears glasses, a woman who is attractive and overtly sexual, and all of this is an ad to sell product to women.  It is not demeaning, but it is SEXY. The imagery is superb, and the clean background allows the content to skim the body of the image to ad interest. 

If you are not a fan of redheads, this ad campaign also features a brunette version and a blond. 

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Kipling on work

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Kipling on work


"Gardens are not made by singing 'Oh, how beautiful,' and sitting in the shade."  Rudyard Kipling

At Elarbee Media, we love old books, the touch and feel of the thick yellowed pages is comforting, as is the thought that they have been touched many times before. We tend to collect the same authors time and again, which likely shows in our choice of quotes. Kipling is one of our favorites. 
This Rudyard Kipling quote for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday is a poignant reminder of the need for toil. It is the work that creates the success, the constant testing, failing and then finally succeeding.

Blog Image for Cinco de Mayo - Dos Equis and the Most Interesting Man in the World

Cinco de Mayo - Dos Equis and the Most Interesting Man in the World

While celebrating Cinco de Mayo, our Creative Director took a Selfie with the "Most Interesting Man in the World" cutout. We are in advertising, we should be too jaded to do that type of thing right? Wrong. Brilliance is brilliance, and the "Most Interesting Man in the World" Campaign by Dos Equis is one of the best things I have seen in a long time. It embodies all of the best of vintage advertising, and helps extend the boundaries back out from the uptight politically correct approach we have been forced to look at for too many years. Cheers to Mexican Beer!

Blog Image for Spotted Around Town - Houston, we've had a problem

Spotted Around Town - Houston, we've had a problem

In our Spotted Around Town segment we identify places where Naugahyde is alive and kicking. This example is from Elarbee Media's own offices. We are proud supporters of Naugahyde!This "industrial" style chair is in our front office which we have named "Houston, we've had a problem" because it is vaguely reminiscent of the look and feel from the Apollo mission pictures. 
(We have fewer men in ties though.)

Blog Image for National EOD Day! - Thank you for your service!

National EOD Day! - Thank you for your service!

At Elarbee Media, we are very lucky to know many wonderful people in our armed forces who serve this country and protect our freedom. We appreciate all of their sacrifices, and truly value their friendships. These friendships and family connections make today so important to us. Today is National Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Day. Held on the first Saturday in May, it honors members of the U.S. Armed Forces who have risked their lives in disposing explosives. To our friends, family, and all of those who serve doing EOD work a sincere THANK YOU from Elarbee Media.

Blog Image for Happy Holiday it is May Day!

Happy Holiday it is May Day!


Today, May 1st is May Day! It is time to get your maypole ready and celebrate the Spring. Our offices at Elarbee Media are full of beautiful fresh flowers today to celebrate the holiday.

Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday - Derby Weekend Mint Juleps

Cocktail Friday - Derby Weekend Mint Juleps

Elarbee Media would like to help everyone get ready for their Derby Parties with a quick recap on the Mint Julep.Mint JulepBourbon whiskey - at least 3 fingers of GOOD Bourbon 
1 teaspoon powdered sugar or 1 finger of simple syrup
2 teaspoons Water
Mint leaves
In a highball glass (preferably a Derby glass like the ones in our collection) gently muddle the mint, sugar and water. Fill the glass with cracked ice, add Bourbon and stir well until the glass is well frosted.We can't say enough about the importance of a quality Bourbon, or the firm pack of the crushed ice. The Mint Julep is guaranteed to either help you celebrate when your horse wins, or give you solace is it loses. Bottoms Up!

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Smirnoff Bra Burning

Throwback Thursday Smirnoff Bra Burning

It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media, and this Smirnoff ad certainly is a throwback. Like last week's Wrangler Jeans ad, it pulls on the social-political scene of the time to structure the sales pitch. Imagine that your choice of vodka could actually change you outlook on life. 

While the bra-burning may seem funny to us now, the same ad concept of a product changing how you approach and engage in life is still a very common theme. 

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday Ronald Reagan on Siimple

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday Ronald Reagan on Siimple

"They say the world has become too complex for simple answers. They are wrong." Ronald Reagan

This Wit & Wisdom Wednesday we have decided to view things through the Ronald Reagan lens. Sometimes the simple answer is the right answer.

Advertising should drive sales. Advertising needs to be executed to drive sales. Simple.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday National Superhero Day

Art Tuesday National Superhero Day

Today, April 28th is National Superhero Day, a day to celebrate the superheros that have inspired us. It is also Art Tuesday, so we thought we would have some fun and combine the two.We didn't have any Superhero art hanging around, so we we created some. This mixed media collage on board is 3 dimensional with different tiers in the wood, and it is over-painted to highlight our favorite elements.Sometimes, it is good to get your hands dirty. It gives you a new perspective. This is going up in our break room.

We encourage everyone to get out there and be Super today!