• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Lone Star Light Rocks Your Brain

Cocktail Friday Lone Star Light Rocks Your Brain

It's Cocktail Friday again at Elarbee Media! And this Friday it is time for Lone Star Beer to take over again with one of their brain teasers. Keep in mind, you are supposed to be drinking beer while reading these, so they are not designed to be TOO complicated.Still, if you can't figure them out, go to lonestarbeer.com
 to get the answer based on the number code printed on the bottle cap.What does this have to do with Elarbee Media? Not much really, except that we think this is a brilliant engagement campaign, and we spend a lot of time in Texas drinking Lone Star.

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Citroen's Truth in Advertising

Throwback Thursday Citroen's Truth in Advertising

Here is an old ad from Citroen that pokes fun at automobile advertising campaigns. Just the light note we need on Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media.

Blog Image for Garden & Gun Wins for Editorial Excellence

Garden & Gun Wins for Editorial Excellence

It is rare for us to get excited about media awards, but we are very happy to see that one of our favorite titles, "Garden & Gun", has been recognized by the industry for its excellent editorial content. Congratulations! Richly deserved! 

"Garden&Gun wins the biggest award out there: the American Society of Magazine Editors' "Ellie" award for General Excellence .."


Blog Image for Art Tuesday Black and White Warriors

Art Tuesday Black and White Warriors

It’s Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media! This week we have chosen to highlight a black and white titled “Warriors”. This piece, circa 1971 by Stuart White, is only 3 X 5 unframed but the impact is so much larger. 

The stark contrast of the heavy black ink on the white paper (now slightly yellowed) is powerful, and reminiscent of a Rorschach Test. Its simplicity begs the question – “When is less actually more?” 

In advertising, we forget that simplicity sells. Ads are crammed with disclaimers, arrows, details and numbers; so much so that it can be hard to figure out what is being offered. Is the answer, clean, simple, stark but solid presentation as in “Warriors”. I think it is certainly worth a test.

Blog Image for Happy Holiday Groundhog Day

Happy Holiday Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day!
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Celebrate the Superbowl with Colt45

Celebrate the Superbowl with Colt45

Elarbee Media wishes everyone a happy and safe Super Bowl 2015!

Check out this vintage Colt45 ad celebrating the game, circa 1968!

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Lone Star Beer Just Sayin

Cocktail Friday Lone Star Beer Just Sayin

It is Cocktail Friday again at Elarbee Media. Here is another in the series of brilliantly conceived Lone Star Beer brain teasers.Once again, just because I think they did a GREAT job developing this concept, I will send you to their site lonestarbeer.com
 if you can't figure out the message.If someone from Lone Star Beer would like to reward me for driving traffic with some free beer that would be fine with me. "Just Sayin'".

Blog Image for Business Travel and Beer Cheese

Business Travel and Beer Cheese

It is Beer Cheese Day at Elarbee Media! One of the great joys of business travel, and having clients and vendors from around the country is that you invariably come across regional specialties you would never know existed otherwise. 

Today I was the lucky recipient of a FINE Kentucky product. No, it was not bourbon, it was Beer Cheese! 

Can I tell you, I have never wanted a bag of pretzels, or crackers more than when I realized I had nothing to dip into this product. Yummy, awesome, and hugely caloric. I'm so into this - I'm declaring Thursday, January 29th, 2015 Elarbee Media's First Annual Beer Cheese Day!

Blog Image for Winston Churchill Vices I Admire

Winston Churchill Vices I Admire

"He has all of the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."
Winston Churchill

Last week in the flurry of posts on Winston Churchill, 50 years past his death, I spent some time looking at some of my favorite quotes and had to share this one. For any of you out there that have spent time entertaining clients, you know how this rings true. 

To all of you who have the fortitude (and the occasionally needed hip flask) to stick it out in sales - a very heartfelt CHEERS!

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Breaux and the Power of Red

Art Tuesday Breaux and the Power of Red

It's Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media, and today we are excited to share a painting by Julie Breaux that was acquired in Lafayette, LA. You can almost smell the earthiness of the swampy water. This painting ads a dramatic shot of color in our common area despite its small size. This 8X8 boxed canvas drives color home with intensity. 

For advertisers, Red is a very powerful and impacting color - as seen in this small execution, it can take over, or drive home the point. It is all in how it is used.