• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for National Hug your Boss Day

National Hug your Boss Day

an>It is Cocktail Friday at The Specialist Works US and it is also National Hug your Boss Day. Talk about an interesting mix.

Many studies have shown that having a good, positive leader can make all the difference in a working environment. Statistics tell us, that the majority of people leave a job more frequently due to not getting along with their employer; and that people working for a boss they enjoy tend to be happier, more productive and loyal, compared to people who work for higher pay with a boss they do not like.
Cultivating a constructive and progressive work environment is no effortless feat either. There is so much that we need to manage, organize, and maintain in order; all at once. In business especially, our work day is often times nowhere near finished when we leave the office and head home. It is a job that takes copious amounts of patience, leadership skills, motivation, and just plain heart.
So make sure to show your boss some well-earned appreciation, if not with a hug then at least with a cocktail, TSWUS style. Please remember to drink responsibly and hug your boss responsibly.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Francis Quarles on Rest

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Francis Quarles on Rest


"Put off thy cares with thy clothes; so shall thy rest strengthen thy labor, and so thy labor sweeten thy rest."
-Francis Quarles

It is Wit and Wisdom Wednesday at The Specialist Works US and today, were still not done with labor day. The three-day weekend provided us with some much-needed rest. It can be difficult sometimes to go from work to rest and then back to work again. It is often easy to forget about one while focusing on the other.

Having a balance between work and rest in critical, especially in business. Our greatest thoughts and ideas come when we are not focused on them; when we arent trying to force them. Inversely, knowledge without action is practically useless.

So while it may have been a quick holiday weekend, TSWUS is back and ready to get ourselves in gear.

Blog Image for Labor Day

Labor Day


'Without labor nothing prospers'.  ~Sophocles

Our offices are closed in observance of the Laor Day Holiday - Sorry Sophocles! 

Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday: Beer for the Boys

Cocktail Friday: Beer for the Boys

"Lager beer kegs... mounted in every conceivable place."  A quote from a description of the first Labor Day post-parade party.  The Central Labor Union, the Jewelers Union of Newark Two and 20,000+ friends and family helped celebrate the strength and contribution of the American worker that first Labor Day. While we arent marching in a parade this morning, we laborers will celebrate, and beer will be part of that celebration. The two tall boys in our fridge are total Americana.  Coors Light, to honor our vacationing leader, and Budweiser, the King of Beers, There is something undefinable that connects the American worker with a tall cold one at the end of a hard day. Even if the work is fairly easy, and we are shutting down at lunch for the long weekend. Have fun, be safe, Happy Labor Day.



div>It is throwback Thursday at the Specialist Works US and today we are bringing out the shades and sun lotion for one last weekend in the sun. Labor Day typically marks the beginning of the school year and the cultural end of summer. We tend to put a high priority on our work and not enough importance on leisure. Fortunately, Labor Day is finally here to remind us (and force some of us) to take a break. The first Monday of every September aims to celebrate the efforts of American workers that have made the US into the strong, prosperous country it is today. Labor Day, for many of us, is the last chance we get to go out and enjoy the vibrancy and liveliness of the summer before we go back to work. The sun tan lotion goes back into the bottom drawer and the seasons start to change. We are all very familiar with Coppertones Jodie Foster ad: the little girls dog coincidentally exposing her abrupt tan line, displayed at the bottom of this ad. Instead, we thought this ad was more fitting for the spirit of Labor Day. Whether youre celebrating at the park, the beach or simply relaxing at home, remember to enjoy yourselves and Get yourself a piece of the sun. 

Blog Image for Profit With A Purpose  - Ronald McDonald House

Profit With A Purpose - Ronald McDonald House

Today in celebration of one of our clients milestone birthdays, we decided to take on a charitable initiative in his honor. Our local Ronald McDonald house was the recipient of 3 cases of food from their wish list, along with magazines for the parents to help with the long waits at the hospital. We are excited to start contributing regularly as an office to our local branch. Assisting the families of sick children is an initiative we can embrace without hesitation. We are sure he will also appreciate the focus on children that he inspired. 

Blog Image for Art Tuesdays - Goodbye for now

Art Tuesdays - Goodbye for now

It is Art Tuesday at the Specialist Works US and today I, Ben the Canadian temporary import worker, am once again breaking the fourth wall of internet blogging. On this day, we would like to highlight our personal contribution to the world of contemporary art, a movement we call post-photoshopism. We snapped this group selfie with our in-house TSW US selfie stick. Unfortunately, Stephanie and Ryan were unable to be there, but the magic of modernity has made it possible to include them in the moment.

The last time I wrote plainly as my true self I was here to say hello. Now I am here to say goodbye. My months in Atlanta have been a blast. The people in this city are vibrant, energetic, and incredibly friendly. Whether its the diversity of Ponce City Market, the authenticity of the Old Fourth Ward, or the luxury of Buckhead, the ATL has a niche for everyone. My time at TSW US has been incredibly powerful. In addition to immersing myself in the brands of our clients, I was able to meet some wonderful people in the media industry and expand my understanding of print advertising. This would not have been possible without the support of the entire office. So to a city and people I can not wait to revisit, adios Atlanta!

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday - Sake, Snacks, Surprise

Cocktail Friday - Sake, Snacks, Surprise

It is Cocktail Friday at the Specialist Works US and today we are sipping sake. Or shooting it, whatever your preference. We're enjoying this delicious Japanese rice wine with our box of freshly delivered Japanese snacks. Every month we receive a box from Japan Crate packed with interesting and tasty candies, and we're always pleasantly surprised by what we find. This month featured sweet animal crackers, coffee-flavored hard candy, and caramel covered pretzels. Japan Crate is just one of many startups using the power of the internet to make things easier for consumers, and profitable for venture capitalists. Subscription services like Harry's, Hello Fresh, and Graze are some of our favorites!

With out having to maintain a brick-and-mortar store, and with much of the process being automated, subscription services enjoy substantially lower overhead than traditional companies. The services integrates themselves into consumers lifestyles, resulting in consistent and habitual purchases. With many of these brands, the time saved is the most important aspect of the process, whether it's search time, cooking time or consumption time. Millennial consumers especially, in search of a better work-life balance, value the flexibility and will happily trade time spent cooking for time spent living. Definitely an idea we subscribe to!

Blog Image for Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Chinese Proverb on the Proactive

Wit and Wisdom Wednesday - Chinese Proverb on the Proactive

"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." - Chinese Proverb
It is Wit and Wisdom Wednesday at The Specialist Works US, the first of its kind ever to be published on a Thursday! We apologize for the late post, but we just had to share this qoute with you. Chinese society, in ancient times was, and today still is, incredibly industrious. A culture that has evolved alongside the teachings of Confucius, emphasizing justice, knowledge, and integrity has molded itself into the economic powerhouse that we see today. Whether it's tech startups like Didi Chuxing, to which Uber recently merged with in China, innovative social networks like WeChat, which is arguably the most advanced and integrated messaging platform on the planet, or absolute dominance in the steel industry, Chinese companies have made a mark on the market. 

The point is that in the business world, and world at large, change is the only constant. We say this as we prepare to welcome new staff, new business, and fresh ideas. The company we are today is very different from who we were a year ago, and we couldn't be happier. We took risks, bit off a bit too much, but through diligence and hard work digested all of it. 

(Image is of Mo Tzu, who opposed Confucian ideals to lead his own school thought, Mohism, which opposed adherence to tradition)

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday - Japan 1964

Throwback Thursday - Japan 1964

It is Throwback Thursday at The Specialist Works US and today we are going for gold. We are proud to see that the American team is leading in the medal count at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, edging out China and Japan with 32 medals and 11 gold (but who's counting?). 

The Olympics are a global marketing phenomenon, with billions around the world tuning in to share in the spectacle. Nowadays regulations on who can advertise and promote their brand using Olympic buzz have prevented many marketers from being as involved in the games as they previously were - you can thank Coke and Atlanta 1996 for that, as AdWeek writes here. But today we'd like to highlight simpler times. The 1964 Games in Tokyo held a lot of significance, marking the first time the games were held in Asia, were televised internationally, and ran alongside the Paralympics Games. The logo gorgeously unites simplicity, color, and symbolism. Japan is often referred to as the "the Land of the Rising Sun", and the art perfectly embodies this, with a bold red supernova literally rising out on top of the rings. We love the stylistic choices and the design overall.  Good luck to all those in Rio!