• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Labor Day Picnic Coke

Throwback Thursday Labor Day Picnic Coke


It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media and we are getting ready for the Labor Day weekend. We thought we would highlight a great American tradition - the Labor Day Picnic.

In this 1966 print ad from Coca-Cola,the picnic is compacted into the 6 pack carrier for the bottles. Clever.

The Americana, the picnic vibe and the product itself are all captured without a lifestyle scene. Simple and ahead of its time, this ad works for us.

Blog Image for Tombstones for Media Home Decorator's Collection

Tombstones for Media Home Decorator's Collection


In a segment we call Tombstones for Media, Elarbee Media highlights programs that are now "off" the market. We also offer suggestions on replacement options for the circulation.

Two historic programs that are no longer available are Home Decorators Collection Catalog Inserts and the Home Decorators Collection PIP.

Our recommendation for replacement is The Company Store Catalog Blow-in Program.

Tags: Tombstone

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday What Does the Star Shape Mean

Cocktail Friday What Does the Star Shape Mean


It is Cocktail Friday at Elarbee Media and today we are talking abut the meaning of shapes. How is that a cocktail topic? Well - we love our Lone Star Beer bottle caps which feature a single star so we thought we would investigate what the shape means (outside of Texas).

Visual cues are important in advertising, and making sure you get it right is important. "Drawing stars shows you are optimistic and ambitious" according to doodlemeanings. Not a deeply scientific review, but it is Cocktail Friday here at Elarbee Media.

In Texas "Today most people associate the Lone Star with a feisty spirit of independence" according to Phyllis McKenzie.

So our summation is this: If you are drinking a Lone Star Beer outside of Texas you are optimistic and ambitious, and have adopted the Texan's feisty spirit of independence.

None of this is bad from a brand perspective. Good job Lone Star!

For more on what shapes "mean" check out the link below:

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Lorne Greene for Alpo

Throwback Thursday Lorne Greene for Alpo


In honor of National Dog Day we thought we would highlight this 1970's Alpo ad in our Throwback Thursday post. This ad is a classic celebrity product endorsement all the way down to the signature at the bottom of the copy.

We can't help but believe that the snazzy shirt collars helped push this product as well. Lorne Greene looks every bit the part of the dapper dog owner of the era.

Happy National Dog Day from Elarbee Media!

Blog Image for Spotted Around Town Naugahyde at Lassiter's

Spotted Around Town Naugahyde at Lassiter's


In our spotted around town segment we highlight Naugahyde in action. This lovely rendition is from Lassiter's. This one appears to have been bitten by the Nauga. Just wrong enough to make us comfortable.


Blog Image for Sentimental Sunday Silly Putty and Sunday Comics

Sentimental Sunday Silly Putty and Sunday Comics


Sentimental Sunday Silly Putty. We had to go out and buy some because we were thinking about it all week.


Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Orson Welles on Generation Gaps

Throwback Thursday Orson Welles on Generation Gaps


It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media and we thought we would follow up or Orwell post of yesterday with a vintage Orson Welles ad for today.

From 1972, this ad speaks to the political an cultural climate of the times. All things old were "stodgy". But if you are a brand with a proud heritage, how do you combat that? Celebrity endorsement combined with generational understanding - If you are Jim Beam.

We are personally happy to report that Jim Beam weathered the storm, and is still alive and kicking. Was it is because they chose one of our favorite actors to endorse their brand? Perhaps it was because they saw a need to stay relevant and acted on it in their messaging. Just maybe it is because the product quality speaks for itself, and will maintain a following through tough times by combining quality with a strong price point.

Whatever the truth is, we love looking at Orson Welles. Good job Jim Beam!

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday  - George Orwell on Faces

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - George Orwell on Faces


“At 50, everyone has the face he deserves.” George Orwell

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media. We are not spring chickens here. Although we are not yet 50 we have “been around the block a few times”, “had our teeth kicked in”, and “pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps”. When we see the signs of age, we embrace them. They aren’t wrinkles, they are character lines.  

Not living life means not making mistakes, and not making mistakes means not learning. If you can’t see in someone’s face that they have lived life, it is best to run away quickly. Very quickly.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Shelton La Bron The Red 1

Art Tuesday Shelton La Bron The Red 1


It is Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media and we are sharing a new acquisition which is a 4 X 4 finished sized wrapped canvas. This painting is, oddly enough, by a comic book artist Shelton La Bron. It is titled “The Red 1”. It is a highly detailed execution of a tree in autumn. The idea of a crisp cool autumn day is compelling during the hot summer heat of Atlanta.

Being attracted to an autumnal scene in summer begs the question, “How do seasonal swings impact product sales and the positioning of marketing?” While it is hard to sell sweaters in summer it is easy to sell ice cream. August is the highest grossing month for ice cream sales.

If you are an artist, break out your winter scenes and sell away before the weather turns.

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Cheerios Ad is Powerful Good

Throwback Thursday Cheerios Ad is Powerful Good


It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media and we are in Back to School mode, so we thought we would highlight this 1978 ad for Cheerios cereal.

The color is eye-catching, and reinforces the brand's merchandising. There is a just enough "white-space" which in this case is yellow, and the ad copy is minimal.

The black on yellow family silhouette is a bold graphic that reinforces the wholesome image Cheerios still clings to today.

The ad pops. Cheers Cheerios this ad is "Powerful Good".