• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Chanel No 5

Throwback Thursday Chanel No 5


It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media and we want to highlight this 1972 perfume ad from Chanel. It is so simple and elegant it could almost be from any era. In comparison to other ads of the period, it seems so subtle. That is the reserve that Chanel has employed so consistently to maintain brand integrity.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday  - Riding Ahead of the Herd

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Riding Ahead of the Herd


If you're riding ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there. -- Old West Proverb

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media. We love this Old West Proverb, and think it is perfectly applicable for business. Competition drives us to innovate and push forward to make sure we are the "front-runner" in our industry. Is that really wise?

Taking the lead means putting yourself out there and taking all the risk. Often watching the testing other peer companies are doing allows you to garner critical knowledge on what is performing and what is not. Watching and tracking does not require a significant investment from your own coffers.

If you are the leader, look back over your shoulder to see who is following your lead, and what edits they are making to refine your process. It is often easier to edit effectively than it is to create.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Nicolin and Suggestive Art

Art Tuesday Nicolin and Suggestive Art


It is Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media, and this week we are featuring one of brighter pieces. This signed print is by Charlotte Nicolin, a Swedish born artist that we know from Montreal. Her art focuses on nature and the marine world. This picture is titled "The Kiss" , not to be confused with the Gutsav Klimt masterpiece.

It is playful, colorful and suggestive. We can't help thinking Rorschach, The provocative nature of the picture is not subtle, but it is offset by the addition of the kissing frogs.

Modern advertising campaigns tend to lack subtlety all together offering no offset, Does that lead to more engagement or better recall?

Blog Image for Tombstones for Media

Tombstones for Media


Parent’s Pediatrician Pack is the latest media to die off. In a feature we call Tombstones for Media, we highlight the demise of print media channels, and offer options for replacing the circulation. Parent’s Pediatrician Pack carried offers to the Parents of young children with the implied endorsement of the health care provider distributing the information. Our strongest recommendation for replacing this circulation is American Baby’s co-op envelope offerings. 

Tags: Tombstone

Blog Image for Online Ad Blocking Trend

Online Ad Blocking Trend


A new study by PageFair and Adobe has found a staggering growth in the number of Ad blocking users.  Ad blocking refers to various software programs which block known online advertisement servers.  The study found Ad blocking usage in the United States grew by 48% during the past year, increasing to 45 million users during Q2 2015.  Ad blocking in Europe grew by 35% to 77 million users.  The estimated global revenue loss due to Ad blocking software will surpass $21 billion in 2015.


Study Link: http://downloads.pagefair.com/reports/2015_report-the_cost_of_ad_blocking.pdf




Blog Image for Cocktail Friday the White Bat

Cocktail Friday the White Bat


It is cocktail Friday at Elarbee Media, and we are rounding out this week's bat theme with a White Bat Cocktail. To make a White Bat, you will need the following ingredients:

1 1/2 oz Bacardi white Rum
1/2 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur
1 1/2 oz milk
3 oz Coca-Cola

1) Build all ingredients in a glass over ice
2) Stir and serve


Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Bacardi Point of Sale

Throwback Thursday Bacardi Point of Sale


It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media and this week we are all about bats. We love this Bacardi Bat coaster as it carries on our theme.

Coasters used to be a significant marketing tool, making their presence known in bars at "point of sale". We see them less and less these days and wonder if the glamour of other media have distracted advertisers from the basic premise - interact with your customer where and when they purchase your product.

Encourage and reinforce the purchase.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Batman

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Batman


“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” Batman

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media and we pulled this Batman quote to continue our bat theme for the week. Actions are the true expression of who we are.

Businesses so frequently miss this connection. Spending time developing strategy, then failing to execute defines the business. Theory is only theory. What you put into practice is what will determine your success.

This Batman rendition is by Brent Woodside. WoodsideIllustrations.com

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Hanged Man Bat

Art Tuesday Hanged Man Bat


It is Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media, and today we are continuing with our Bat theme. This picture is actually a Tarot card, the Hanged Man. We own the original of the "Six of Bones" (Pentacles) in this entirely wooden representation of the Tarot deck. All of the images come from nature.

We love the cheekiness of the Hanged Man being a bat, When artists make you smile with their wit, it is an extra bonus.

Blog Image for Power of Imagery  - Rorschach Plate V

Power of Imagery - Rorschach Plate V


In our segment the Power of Imagery, we explore the impact of pictures on ourselves as consumers and individuals. This image is of the Rorschach Plate V, commonly known as the "Bat"

How much of traditional imagery is also laced with symbolism that we don't credit when first viewing an image, and does it really matter?. "Bats are symbols of rebirth - the facing of fears and being reborn." Do I really recognize that in any form when viewing the image?

To some degree when the symbolism of images is pervasive in a culture we do add that into the mix, but fringe or subtle suggestions may not translate.