• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Zombie Head Tat3dUSA

Zombie Head Tat3dUSA

Business is funny sometimes. You never know what is going to happen when you sit down with a client. You can prepare as well as possible, but sometimes agendas go out the window and conversations take a different direction. This is exactly what happened to me at a photo shoot and product review this weekend. The PowerPoint presentation that I'd prepared was never shown, but I made a great personal connection with a group of people enthusiastic about their business and product line.I am now the proud owner of a zombie head 3D target, which can take up to 15,000 rounds and is also “self-healing” (important in a zombie). It also makes a nice paperweight on my desk.

Blog Image for Ronald Reagan on Giving Credit

Ronald Reagan on Giving Credit

 "There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit." – Ronald Reagan

Blog Image for Art Tueday Haze and Lack of Clarity

Art Tueday Haze and Lack of Clarity

Artists employ haze and lack of clarity with purpose – direct response advertisers do not need to follow suit.Clarity of messaging is one of the key aspects to closing sales. An informed consumer is ready to purchase. A confused consumer is just that- confused.I’m not confused about the painting here – I love it!
Check out the following article for some excellent content on DR messaging.kirkpatrickcreative.com/three-keys-success-direct-response-…

Blog Image for Targeting Through Direct Mail

Targeting Through Direct Mail

This quiver of arrows belongs to my children. They regularly go out and practice shooting at a large bail of straw to learn how to aim. At a young age, they understand the concept of targeting and adjusting aim. Strangely, many advertisers do not. In business, as in life, you shoot at the target, adjust your aim, and shoot again until you hit the bull's-eye - (you don’t generally hit it the first time out either). Test. Adjust. Retest.Here are some hints on targeting through direct mail:http://www.experian.com/small-bus…/direct-mail-marketing.jsp

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Targeting

Art Tuesday Targeting

It's Art Tuesday and today I made the connection between this painting on wood I bought in South Africa and the phrase “who are you trying to reach?"The artist reached me with this painting, but often advertisers aren't so lucking in hitting their target audiences. The key to getting it right starts with knowing your audience and reaching them through the right channel with a message that will resonate.Hopefully, artists will continue to create without the restriction of what is commercially viable. For the rest of us, here is some useful direction for reaching your target audience ---> http://bit.ly/SXxgct

Blog Image for Happy Holiday it is Independence Day!

Happy Holiday it is Independence Day!

Celebrate America this Independence Day.“There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure. “- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Happy Holiday it is Canada Day!

Happy Holiday it is Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day to all of my friends and colleagues in the Great White North!As it is also Art Tuesday here at Elarbee Media, I thought I would throw in a picture of one of my favorite statues in Montreal known familiarly as “The Butter People."The Illuminated Crowd, a sculpture where 65 people of all ages, race, facial expressions and conditions are depicted on four platforms, illustrates the degradation of the human race and symbolizes the fragility of the human condition.

Created by Franco-British artist, Raymond Mason, this unique public sculpture is made from stratified polyester resin with polyurethane paint and is located just outside the main gate of McGill University.
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Macrame and Digital Advertising Trends

Art Tuesday Macrame and Digital Advertising Trends

It's Art Tuesday! Macrame: who of a certain age doesn't know it and fear its resurrection?We love this awesome Taurus piece in our office, but dread the thought of seeing another plant hanger with beads woven in to add that “pop” of color. Trends, like the macrame of the '70s, are opportunities, and traps alike in business.For what they are worth, here are some of the current digital advertising trends you may want to watch for: http://read.bi/1iLcrYg

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Direct Mail

Throwback Thursday Direct Mail

We love opening our mailbox to find a catalog or special offer from our favorite retailer addressed directly to us. While many companies shy away from print altogether, the numbers consistently show that the highly targeted approach of direct mail works. Why? "1. The mail is often the only reliable way to reach reasonably affluent males. 2. The over-50 crowd, already large and growing, has a lot more money than younger folks and they’re just as happy to deal with you in print as they are in the cyber world." Read more about how direct mail continues to thrive --->http://onforb.es/1iBiliA

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Putting an Idea on Ice

Cocktail Friday Putting an Idea on Ice

Putting plans “on ice” can often be frustrating for all involved; however,sometimes it is the best business decision to defer projects that you are not ready to tackle. Putting something on ice means preserving it to keep it viable for down the road. At Elarbee Media, we don’t love putting our projects on ice, although if it is what is right for the client, we do it with a smile. We do however LOVE to put other things on ice, like a chilled summer cocktail. As it gets hotter here in the South, we will be looking to fill this classic aluminum ice bucket more frequently. #CocktailFriday