• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for 60's Art Nouveau

60's Art Nouveau

Today for throwback thursday,we are throwing way back. Were still sticking to the 60s, 1860s that is, with the birth of Alfons Maria Mucha,the father of Art Nouveau.  Mucha had a tendency to use anything within the frame, including the frame itself, to decorate and bring attention to the main subject (which were usually pretty women in flowy drapey) and move the eye throughout the entire work. We just love his mixture of detail with areas of simple shapes and color to give the viewers a place for their eyes to breathe.In the piece we chose to highlight, Mucha has placed two young women seated at a table sipping their Heidsieck & Co. wine with their male companion; advertising the company name, founders and city of origin.At the Time of his death, Alphons style was considered outdated, but has experienced several art revivals throughout history. The 1960s had, arguably, the biggest Art Nouveau revival, bringing a new psychedelic element integrated into the style.Heres one for Alfons, his legacy continues to influence the fields of advertising to comic books, to graphic design and much more. 

Blog Image for I'd Beavery happy to help you.

I'd Beavery happy to help you.

Meyers-Briggs personality profiles are meant to inform us about ourselves and our coworkers.  Here at The Specialist Works US, we have an abundance of Beavers.  Good thing too, because Beavers are make good workers.  
Beavers are in the Creative and caring quadrant. They like to see the big picture, are imaginative, forward-thinking, organized, and hard working - occasionally Beavers neglect themselves in favor of being helpful, so they need looking after.  

We will be looking after our newest Beaver closely.  Artist Jon Deuschele from Zimbabwe was in the area and available to create this beautifully simple interpretation. Having never before seen this North American flat tailed semi-aquatic mammal, I think he captured it perfectly. Thank you Jon. Hop over to Instagram for a look @jondeuschle

Blog Image for Reduce Reuse Re: LOOM

Reduce Reuse Re: LOOM

're:loom employs and empowers homeless and low-income individuals through weaving beautifully-designed products out of recycled materials.'
We are lucky to find a home for our fabric remnants, but to know that they are making a difference in the lives of so many is an added boon. A quick drive by intern Liam, and our burden became another's blessing.  Thanks so much to Lisa Wise for her help in getting our fabric where it needs to be.  Check out www.reloom.org for more info on this great organization.

Blog Image for Sometimes it’s a Doodle

Sometimes it’s a Doodle

What art offers is space a certain breathing room for the spirit. -John Updike

Today is Wit and Wisdom Wednesday at The Specialist Works US and we are trying to push through hump day.
Things can get pretty hectic at TSWUS; sometimes you start working on one thing, and as the week goes by you find yourself working on multiple unrelated projects with each of them demanding your best efforts. Those days can quickly evolve into mayhem. What is there to do?
Sometimes the answer is writing down the random words from your stream of consciousness; messing up your hair and combing it back into place; finding different ways to arrange your notes; or a simple doodle. The most important thing is to do something that requires some level of effort, but no specific result.
Often times we think that art needs to be something grand or beautiful; true and timeless. But art can also be something we do to forget about where we are -- an escape. It doesnt need to be anything displayed in a museum or shown on the big screen. This art is the kind we make so that we may vacate from our daily demands and return with a new perspective on problem-solving.

Blog Image for Profit With A Purpose  - RMC Round 2

Profit With A Purpose - RMC Round 2

At TSWUS we are always looking for ways to give back to the community that are meaningful and aligned with our corporate philosophy. Our local Ronald McDonald House is a perfect fit for both. Last week we collected items off of their wish list in honor of Stephanie's Weigle's birthday and delivered them this week. Our donation of snacks, laundry soap, individual dinners and cleaning supplies may not change the world, but it should help make a tough time better for the families that have to stay there. 
Pushing out good karma one donation at a time!

Blog Image for National Hug your Boss Day

National Hug your Boss Day

an>It is Cocktail Friday at The Specialist Works US and it is also National Hug your Boss Day. Talk about an interesting mix.

Many studies have shown that having a good, positive leader can make all the difference in a working environment. Statistics tell us, that the majority of people leave a job more frequently due to not getting along with their employer; and that people working for a boss they enjoy tend to be happier, more productive and loyal, compared to people who work for higher pay with a boss they do not like.
Cultivating a constructive and progressive work environment is no effortless feat either. There is so much that we need to manage, organize, and maintain in order; all at once. In business especially, our work day is often times nowhere near finished when we leave the office and head home. It is a job that takes copious amounts of patience, leadership skills, motivation, and just plain heart.
So make sure to show your boss some well-earned appreciation, if not with a hug then at least with a cocktail, TSWUS style. Please remember to drink responsibly and hug your boss responsibly.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Francis Quarles on Rest

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Francis Quarles on Rest


"Put off thy cares with thy clothes; so shall thy rest strengthen thy labor, and so thy labor sweeten thy rest."
-Francis Quarles

It is Wit and Wisdom Wednesday at The Specialist Works US and today, were still not done with labor day. The three-day weekend provided us with some much-needed rest. It can be difficult sometimes to go from work to rest and then back to work again. It is often easy to forget about one while focusing on the other.

Having a balance between work and rest in critical, especially in business. Our greatest thoughts and ideas come when we are not focused on them; when we arent trying to force them. Inversely, knowledge without action is practically useless.

So while it may have been a quick holiday weekend, TSWUS is back and ready to get ourselves in gear.

Blog Image for Labor Day

Labor Day


'Without labor nothing prospers'.  ~Sophocles

Our offices are closed in observance of the Laor Day Holiday - Sorry Sophocles! 

Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday: Beer for the Boys

Cocktail Friday: Beer for the Boys

"Lager beer kegs... mounted in every conceivable place."  A quote from a description of the first Labor Day post-parade party.  The Central Labor Union, the Jewelers Union of Newark Two and 20,000+ friends and family helped celebrate the strength and contribution of the American worker that first Labor Day. While we arent marching in a parade this morning, we laborers will celebrate, and beer will be part of that celebration. The two tall boys in our fridge are total Americana.  Coors Light, to honor our vacationing leader, and Budweiser, the King of Beers, There is something undefinable that connects the American worker with a tall cold one at the end of a hard day. Even if the work is fairly easy, and we are shutting down at lunch for the long weekend. Have fun, be safe, Happy Labor Day.



div>It is throwback Thursday at the Specialist Works US and today we are bringing out the shades and sun lotion for one last weekend in the sun. Labor Day typically marks the beginning of the school year and the cultural end of summer. We tend to put a high priority on our work and not enough importance on leisure. Fortunately, Labor Day is finally here to remind us (and force some of us) to take a break. The first Monday of every September aims to celebrate the efforts of American workers that have made the US into the strong, prosperous country it is today. Labor Day, for many of us, is the last chance we get to go out and enjoy the vibrancy and liveliness of the summer before we go back to work. The sun tan lotion goes back into the bottom drawer and the seasons start to change. We are all very familiar with Coppertones Jodie Foster ad: the little girls dog coincidentally exposing her abrupt tan line, displayed at the bottom of this ad. Instead, we thought this ad was more fitting for the spirit of Labor Day. Whether youre celebrating at the park, the beach or simply relaxing at home, remember to enjoy yourselves and Get yourself a piece of the sun.