• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday - Gallo Rose

Throwback Thursday - Gallo Rose

It is Throwback Thursday at Elarbee Media and we are happy to say we are highlighting a Gallo Wine ad from the 1960's in honor of a client meeting today in Napa, California.Rose wines are back in style. Light, palatable and perfect for a picnic, these chilled beauties were almost killed by their association to the infamous "White Zinfandel".How do you resurrect something that has become so debased? One answer to that question for marketers is actually to embrace it for what it has become. The other is to re-invent it.PBR (Pabst Blue Ribbon) tallboy cans are hip again, so is JIm Beam. While "Rose" is back, "White Zin" is not. how tough would it be to position that product for sale to the market that embraces it?White Zin -"Because I like my wine to taste like kool-aid and come with an easy open screw top, and I am not ashamed!" We think it is catchy, although we will stick to the Bordeaux.

Blog Image for Expressionery 30 Day Letter Writing Challenge

Expressionery 30 Day Letter Writing Challenge

We are very excited to be participating in the 30 day letter writing challenge put on by our client Expressionery.com.Here are two of our latest efforts, both on Expressionery stationery, and sporting an Expressionery stamp. .‪#‎Expressionery‬ ‪#‎handwritten‬ ‪#‎lostartofletterwriting‬

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday - Lone Star Beer #135

Cocktail Friday - Lone Star Beer #135


It is Cocktail Friday at Elarbee Media, and long PAST due for a fresh look at the Lone Star Beer bottle gap quiz. This week's installment is bottle cap #135, and frankly one of the easier caps to translate.With each installment, we try to tie in the bottle cap quiz with some real advertising insight. And here it is..... Not only do we highlight the Lone Star Beer bottle caps, we collect them.Collections, and numbered editions are a GREAT marketing concept. If there are 500 quizzes, I need to keep all of my bottle caps until I get them all.This encourages two things - 1. Retention of the brand image where it continues to receive exposure, and 2. incremental purchasing until the collection is completed!Brilliant!

Blog Image for Artsapaloosa Saturday and Sunday

Artsapaloosa Saturday and Sunday

We are very excited that tomorrow and Sunday the Sandy Springs Artsapaloosa is back at our offices. This outdoor event is part street fair, and part Art Festival. As keen supporters of the local Arts community, we don't miss it. We will be there with our families, and encourage anyone local to join us. 6100 Lake Forrest Drive NW, Atlanta, GA 30328. It opens at 11am.
We are eyeing some of the found-object art pieces by Steven Meadows. We love the insulator cap as an eyeball!Hopefully we make a successful purchase, so we are prepared for presenting found-art on Earth Day next Friday, April 22nd.Support local Artists!

Blog Image for Profit With a Purpose  - Segment Introduction

Profit With a Purpose - Segment Introduction

In a new segment we call "Profit with a Purpose", we are highlighting some of our local outreach efforts. As a print media agency, one of our opportunities to give back is always with our "comp" or ad-checking copies of magazines once we have reviewed them. Gifting these copies to a charity effort not only aids the charity, but recycles the printed copies to a new purpose.In posting these segments, we are trying to encourage other businesses to see that what they may no longer need might be of real value to someone in the community. Charity doesn't necessarily need to cost money, and in fact it can be mutually beneficial.Some of the small ways you can contribute:Bring Magazines to a local hospital, senior living facility, library or charity shop.Use current magazines as the basis for Soldier Boxes to deployed active duty military overseas.Sell Magazines to raise donations for a favorite charity.We edit for their benefit.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday  - Dali on Ambition

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - Dali on Ambition

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." Salvador Dali

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media and we chose to highlight this Salvador Dali quote. Dali certainly pushes the edge of comfort in his Art. We need to push ourselves beyond comfort to see what we are able to achieve. Through some of our recent business transitions, we have found ourselves doing exactly that. 

Stability is nice. Adventure is living.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Wise Owl

Art Tuesday Wise Owl

It is Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media and we are reworking our office space to make room for our new hires. In doing so we are moving many of our art pieces and adding to collections to change the look of the office layout. We recently bought this beautiful cut metal owl in New Orleans, and will be making it the focal point of an installation in a room where most of our decor is metal.
We are hoping it inspires "wisdom" throughout the day. If not, at least we will have something interesting to look at rather than the commercially produced "art" in most office spaces.
We may be clinging to individuality by a thin thread, but for as long as the thread holds we'll do our part! Thanks you to all of you artists that help us hang on by expressing yourselves.

Blog Image for Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Elarbee Media wishes everyone a happy and safe Easter! 
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for It is Spring and Time to Grow

It is Spring and Time to Grow

Today, March 20th is the first day of Spring. The Vernal Equinox occurred at 12:30 am, and marks the transition of seasons. It also marks time for a quarterly review of goals. Spring is time for growth, and renewal. Elarbee Media looks forward to both in our business.We wish you the best Spring possible!
Tags: Seasonal

Blog Image for Tombstones for Media Chefs PIP

Tombstones for Media Chefs PIP


In a segment we have named Tombstones for media, we highlight programs that have gone off of the market, and suggest replacement options. 

CHEFS PIP went off the market in late 2015. As a replacement we recommend  Tristar Products, Inc. OTP – this program is made up of mostly cooking products. 
Tags: Tombstone