• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Wit& Wisdom Wednesday Faulkner on Clocks

Wit& Wisdom Wednesday Faulkner on Clocks


"Clocks slay time. Time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life."
William Faulkner.

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media and today is all about the South and this Faulkner quote from The Sound and the Fury. Elarbee Media is located in Atlanta, GA, but we are not all from her. Time has a different meaning here, and things take a bit longer than in many places. It can be frustrating to an outsider until you realize that the results show the caring behind the time taken.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Folk Art

Art Tuesday Folk Art


It is Art Tuesday at Elarbee Media and we are in a folk art mood after our all-American long weekend. This Folk Art piece is reminiscent of the earlier tramp art, but has the addition of vibrant color and mementos. The Churchill Downs betting chit is marked 1970.

This piece hangs in our hallway and reminds us that crafty marketers of today's era would have an advertisement on the back of those tickets!

Blog Image for Photo Shoot for Expressionery

Photo Shoot for Expressionery


We had a great tiime last week shooting images of personalized stamps and projects for our client Expressonery.com. Here is one of our favorite images from the last day of the shoot. It is titled "Time to Wrap" as is designed to highlight the use of the personalized stamp product for making gift tags. 

Blog Image for It is Yarn Art and We Love It Happy 4th

It is Yarn Art and We Love It Happy 4th


Happy 4th of July!

Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Celebrate America This Weekend Happy July 4th

Celebrate America This Weekend Happy July 4th


Elarbee Media is an American owned and operated company. We are proud to celebrate the July 4th holiday and hope that all of our American friends, clients and colleagues have a happy and safe holiday weekend.

Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!


Happy Canada Day to all of our colleagues, friends and family members in The Great White North.

Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Tombstones for Media Pennysaver

Tombstones for Media Pennysaver


In our segment Tombstones for Media, we highlight the demise of print media channels. One of the most significant recent losses is the California circulation of Pennysaver. Over 10.5 million circulation weekly that is now completely off the market. 

When major circulation programs pull of the market, where does that leave those with their media plans set in for the year? Scrambling! Viable replacements for on page advertising are Valassis Shared Mail and the Redplum and Smartsource co-op FSI, but replacing a weekly circulation program with this much scale isn’t easy.

 For insert players, Valassis shared mail, and newspapers combined with their TMC products are the most effective replacements.

Tags: Tombstone

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Kosta Boda and Small Enhancements

Cocktail Friday Kosta Boda and Small Enhancements


It is Cocktail Friday at Elarbee Media and we are so happy to share one of our favorite decanters with you. This Kosta Boda decanter is a great example of Whimsy. The form, while completely functional, is also a piece of art in itself. The bolt as the closure make the entire piece so much different than a full glass execution. Adding the industrial feel to the closure alone changes the style entirely.

Small enhancements make a big difference. In advertising, small changes to an ad can make a big difference too. Before you make overhauling changes, stop and test to see if you have gone far enough before you go too far.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday  - E.M. Forster on Spoon Feeding

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday - E.M. Forster on Spoon Feeding


“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches nothing but the shape of the spoon.” E.M. Forster

It is Wit & Wisdom Wednesday at Elarbee Media and we wanted to share this classic quote from E.M. Forster. For us this quote is about taking the time to invest in people and in training. "Spoon Feeding" may get the small tasks completed in the short term, but creating an engaged employee that can see what is coming next is real goal. That takes time, patience and candor. It is well worth the investment.

Blog Image for New Website Launch - CelebrateWithStamps

New Website Launch - CelebrateWithStamps


We've created a new blog site CelebrateWithStamps.com. Why? Well, because it outlines ways to use stamps, and our client Expressionery.com sells personalized stamps. As Q3 and Q4 roll along, you will see the site content blossom with holiday ideas,wrapping techniques and great projects for kids. Oh, and it will also have the latest and greatest Expressionery discounts available as well.