• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday MacArthur on Quitting

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday MacArthur on Quitting

 “Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.” - Douglas MacArthur In business, it can be difficult to want to keep moving forward. When I am in need of inspiration, I look to people who have suffered and sacrificed far more than I can ever imagine and have come out winners. One of my favorite “go to” guys is Douglas MacArthur. When I am in Manila, I sit at his seat in the Tap Room of the Manila Hotel and think about what it must have been like to make the really tough decisions of leadership. I think about the lessons on fortitude that we have to turn to from such great leaders.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Blue and White Graphics

Art Tuesday Blue and White Graphics

It’s Art Tuesday again at Elarbee Media! This week’s picture is a highly textured abstract piece in blue and white. It begs the following questions: Is what we see what really appeals to us? How much of the appeal is in the desire to touch and feel what we see? Is the compulsion to reach out for something more important than the resonance of the message? It might just be.

Blog Image for Happy Holiday it is Labor Day

Happy Holiday it is Labor Day

Elarbee Media wishes you a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Tony the Tiger

Throwback Thursday Tony the Tiger

Slogans - as well as images - stand the test of time. Who doesn’t remember sitting down to watch Saturday morning cartoons and hearing Tony the Tiger say “They’re Grrrreat!” Check out how Tony has changed since his early days in the cereal business. He looks different, but the product endorsement (albeit by a large cat for a human food product) was so simple in its inception, it has kept pace with us all. What are some of your favorite ad slogans that have resonated with you throughout the years?

Blog Image for Happy Holiday it is LBJ Day!

Happy Holiday it is LBJ Day!

Today is Lyndon Baines Johnson Day! It is is a legal state holiday in Texas and falls every year on August 27, to remember the birthday of the former U.S. President.Happy LBJ day to all of Elarbee Media’s friends, clients and colleagues in Texas!
Tags: Holiday

Blog Image for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday Henry Ford on Details

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday Henry Ford on Details

“Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich.” Henry Ford Who would not have wanted to sit around the campfire with Ford and Edison? Imagine the conversations. Imagine if American business did not have such great legends to inspire us to keep going. Try. Fail. Edit. Try again. Succeed. Elarbee Media gives a nod to all who try!

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Make Art Matter

Art Tuesday Make Art Matter

It’s Art Tuesday again at Elarbee Media. This painting of a leaf floating over the water is one my Mom painted in the sixties. I have always loved it. As a child, it reminded me of the highly stylized doves that were embroidered on the panels at church. It was always a stretched canvas growing up – unframed. About 7 years ago, I found some vintage framing materials, and had my friend Charles finally frame the painting. Because it is from my mother, and evokes strong memories of my childhood, it brings me a sense of peace and calm at the office. This picture hangs in our reception area, over our couch. What is the business lesson? There isn’t one – except the following. Wherever you are, and whatever adventure you embark on, embrace and keep close those things that bring you peace, calm and remind you of those you love.

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Vodka Packaging Pouch

Cocktail Friday Vodka Packaging Pouch

It’s ‪#‎CocktailFriday‬ at Elarbee Media!When I see something brilliant, I say, “wow that is brilliant – why didn’t I think of that!” I confess I had this thought on a recent trip to a liquor store in Florida. Behold! The most brilliant innovation in history: vodka packaged to conveniently fit almost anywhere -- slim, portable, easily disposed of once used.A wise business move is to create a product that addresses the needs of the consumer. I’ve never heard of this brand, ...See More

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Froot Loops Imagery

Throwback Thursday Froot Loops Imagery

When it comes to a brand icon, is new and improved really new and improved? How far can you push change and keep consistency? Here is a 1960s Froot Loops box and a modern Froot Loops box. I prefer the original, but I am old school.Certainly the vibrancy of the “new” Toucan Sam is hard to miss, no doubt assisting identifying the product readily on the store shelf. What is your opinion? Should companies update their brand icons to keep up with modern trends? ‪#‎ThrowbackThursday‬

Blog Image for National Senior Citizens Day

National Senior Citizens Day

Today is National Senior Citizens Day! Elarbee Media would like to let everyone of a “certain age” know that we appreciate you and what you do. Everyone else, get out there and let a senior know you care!Want to advertise to the senior market as well? Elarbee Media has all the options to reach this niche demographic.
