• cityscape art
    Let's Talk About Stuff.

Our goal in posting our blogs is three fold: To introduce timely industry news that is relevant to our clients; to post items we find interesting and entertaining, and finally, to give you a glimpse of TSW US “Behind the Curtain”. We take the business aspects of what we are doing very seriously, but we like to have fun, hopefully that shines through here.

Our Blog is a puzzle being assembled. Sometimes the individual pieces of the puzzle don’t look like the whole picture once completed – You have to keep adding pieces one at a time to make the image clear. We hope you keep coming back to see how the TSW US puzzle takes shape.

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Shake Things Up

Cocktail Friday Shake Things Up

At Elarbee Media, we like to shake things up. Like a well-crafted cocktail, a successful marketing plan requires a precisely measured amount of components.Not all clients have the same needs, goals or budgets, so we tailor our “recipe for success” to suit each clients’ individual needs. To create a media plan that works, we combine equal parts research, planning and knowledge to produce a perfectly proportioned and unparalleled “recipe” for our clients. ‪#‎CocktailFriday‬

Blog Image for Throwback Thursday Celebrity Endorsements

Throwback Thursday Celebrity Endorsements

It’s #ThrowbackThursday! This print ad from 1967 features our favorite James Bond, Sean Connery. Celebrity endorsements became extremely popular in the 1950s and 1960s as marketers saw great value in hitching Hollywood’s biggest film stars to their brand. And who wouldn’t buy bourbon from a face like Sean Connery’s? 

But are celebrity endorsements still effective in today’s world? All signs point to yes... “Recent studies of hundreds of endorsements have indicated that sales for some brands increased up to 20% upon commencing an endorsement deal.” Check out this article to read more about celebrity endorsements →http://bit.ly/1dSfZIa

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Dead Fish Go With the Flow

Art Tuesday Dead Fish Go With the Flow

These glass fish sit in the Elarbee Media office as a reminder of one of our favorite quotes about life and how we conduct business: “Only dead fish go with the flow.” What are some of your favorite inspirational business quotes? #ArtTuesday

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Do You Swizzle?

Cocktail Friday Do You Swizzle?

Do you swizzle?Out of the many collections we house here at Elarbee Media, there is one that shows an exceptional amount of whimsy: our swizzle stick collection.Because swizzle sticks are for stirring, if they were designed simply for function, they would be very boring. This week’s office cocktail item(s) are our glass vegetables, the perfect swizzle sticks for the final stir of a Bloody Mary or Bloody Caesar prior to presentation.
For the uninitiated, a Bloody Caesar is a Bloody Mary with Clamato Juice rather than straight tomato. (Yes, that is clam juice). This cocktail is a favorite of Montrealers; when combined with a large serving of Poutine, it makes an excellent hangover cure.Tell us what you favorite cocktail is that needs to be stirred!‪#‎CocktailFriday‬

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Creativity in Business

Art Tuesday Creativity in Business

"Creativity has to be fostered and learned, rather than mandated or prescribed. Seen this way, the art world has plenty of problem-solving lessons that can be applied to the world of business." ‪#‎ArtTuesday‬http://ow.ly/vPd9L

Blog Image for Winston Churchill on Business

Winston Churchill on Business

In Georgia we like bulldogs. Here is a lesser known quote from our favorite “Bulldog” about business:“Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon.” - Winston Churchill.At Elarbee Media, we embrace the best of the past, and look to the future while “pulling the wagon."

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday ROI Recipe

Cocktail Friday ROI Recipe

It's ‪#‎CocktailFriday‬!We don’t love measuring our alcohol pours at Elarbee Media, but we do love measuring media results - especially ROI (Return on Investment)!According to Wisegeek- “using a jigger is only one of many different ways to measure alcohol, and it tends to go in and out of fashion as times change. Some people think that bartenders who meticulously measure out each shot are being stingy, while others see such precision as a mark of respect for the art of cocktail blending. Another school of thought teaches that careful measurements belong only novices, on the assumption that more experienced mixologists should be able to get the right ratio without even trying.”
Test your skills by mixing the following drink – we have lovingly named the ROI.ROI Recipe:Start with premium vodka (That you have of course negotiated down to the price of standard well brand)Fill a high ball glass with crushed icePour 3 fingers of Vodka (Double jigger over ice- or three singles if neat)Add the juice of 1 whole lemonAdd 1 tablespoon of honeyAdd 2 dashes of bittersTop with a splash of tonicSwizzle and serveWant to weigh in on measuring versus free-pour, or on measuring media? We’d love to hear your comments.

Blog Image for Art Tuesday Art in Advertising

Art Tuesday Art in Advertising

"Artworks and artists are increasingly becoming elements of advertising campaigns, not only for products and services aimed at the types of older, affluent consumers who have traditionally been patrons of the arts, but also for products and services seeking to reach consumers in their 20s and 30s who are already making art part of their lives." ‪#‎ArtTuesday‬http://ow.ly/vPcra

Blog Image for Commitment to Clients

Commitment to Clients

Peaches - and the importance of keeping up old things & values. This past weekend, I saw peaches in abundance growing on trees that people had told me to abandon. Those trees would "never come back," they were "too far gone to save." They were wrong. The peach trees are thriving and bearing fruit. Like the peach trees, some old ideas are worth salvaging: customer service, commitment to clients, and a true belief in business partnership. At Elarbee Media, we will always believe that the effort to foster those values is worthwhile. We believe that nurturing those ideas will also bear fruit.

Blog Image for Cocktail Friday Highball Glasses

Cocktail Friday Highball Glasses

It’s ‪#‎CocktailFriday‬! At Elarbee Media, we aim to keep your expectations high and your CPMs low. Check out these 1960s highball glasses from our office barwear collection.Highball is the name for a family of mixed drinks that are composed of an alcoholic base spirit and a larger proportion of a non-alcoholic mixer. Well-known examples of highballs include Bourbon and Water, Cuba Libre, Scotch and Soda, Seven and Seven, the Moscow Mule, and gin and tonic.Get your creative juices flowing this on this gorgeous Friday afternoon with a classic cocktail! What is your favorite drink served in a highball glass?